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  • Lizano-Barrantes, C, Garin, O, Dima AL, Mayoral, K, Pont, A, Ortiz, EM, Caballero-Rabasco, MA, Praena-Crespo, M, Valdesoiro-Navarrete, L, Guerra, MT, Bercedo-Sanz, A, Hernandez, G, Maroni, C, de Mir, I, Carrasco, MA, Ortega, M, Servan, A, Castillo, JA, Tato, E, Ferrer, M and Grp, AGA.

    Inhaler Technique Questionnaire (InTeQ) in pediatric patients with asthma

    WORLD JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 19(8): 798-804. Nº de cites: 3


  • Dima AL, Allemann SS, Dunbar-Jacob J, Hughes DA, Vrijens B and Wilson IB.

    Methodological considerations on estimating medication adherence from self-report, electronic monitoring and electronic healthcare databases using the TEOS framework

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY . 89(7): 1918-1927. Nº de cites: 10


  • Martí-Lluch R, Bolíbar B, Llobera J, Maderuelo-Fernández JA, Magallón-Botaya R, Sánchez-Pérez Á, Fernández-Domínguez MJ, Motrico E, Vicens E, Notario-Pacheco B, Alves-Cabratosa L and Ramos R.

    Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of health services, and mortality (DESVELA cohort): quantitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis

    Frontiers in public health . 11: 1067249-1067249. Nº de cites: 1


  • Simblett SK, Pennington M, Quaife M, Siddi S, Lombardini F, Haro JM, Peñarrubia-María MT, Bruce S, Nica R, Zorbas S, Polhemus A, Novak J, Dawe-Lane E, Morris D, Mutepua M, Odoi C, Wilson E, Matcham F, White KM, Hotopf M and Wykes T.

    Patient preferences for key drivers and facilitators of adoption of mHealth technology to manage depression: A discrete choice experiment

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 331: 334-341. Nº de cites: 1


  • Young-Silva Y, Berenguera A, Jacques-Aviñó C, Gil MM, Arroyo P, Chela-Alvarez X, Ripoll J, Martí-Lluch R, Ramos R, Elizondo-Alzola U, Garcia-Martinez S, Méndez-López F, Tamayo-Morales O, Martínez-Andrés M, Motrico E, Gómez-Gómez I, Fernández-Alvarez R and Juvinyà-Canal D.

    Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of the health services and mortality (DESVELA cohort): qualitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis

    Frontiers in public health . 11: 1069957-1069957. Nº de cites: 1


  • Siddi S, Bailon R, Giné I, Matcham F, Lamers F, Kontaxis S, Laporta E, Garcia E, Lombardini F, Annas P, Hotopf M, Penninx BWJH, Ivan A, White KM, Difrancesco S, Locatelli P, Aguiló J, Peñarrubia-María MT, Narayan VA, Folarin A, Leightley D, Cummins N, Vairavan S, Ranjan Y, Rintala A, de Girolamo G, Simblett SK, Wykes T, Myin-Germeys I, Dobson R and Haro JM.

    The usability of daytime and night-time heart rate dynamics as digital biomarkers of depression severity

    PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . 53(8): 3249-3260. Nº de cites: 5


  • Serra C, Vila R, del Cacho N, Butjosa A, Manuel Abella Villena, Colomer A, Cunill R, Tena MC, Véliz DI, Bustos-Cardona T, Dolz M, Profep Group and Usall J.

    Association of perceived social support with sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables in patients with first-episode psychosis.

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 162: 30-36. Nº de cites: 1


  • Parody-Rua E, Bustamante A, Montaner J, Rubio-Valera M, Serrano D, Pérez-Sánchez S, Sanchez A, Guevara-Cuellar C and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Modeling the potential efficiency of a blood biomarker-based tool to guide pre-hospital thrombolytic therapy in stroke patients.

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS . 24(4): 621-632. Nº de cites: 2


  • Novais T, Fortini C, Dima AL, Schott AM, Viprey M and Schneider MP.

    Se former à l’entretien motivationnel pour mieux soutenir l’adhésion thérapeutique des patients

    Revue Medicale Suisse . 19(823): 777-781.


  • Sanabria JP, Doval E, Bernadàs A, Angarita-Osorio N, Colomer A, Evans-Lacko S, Thornicroft G, Luciano JV and Rubio-Valera M.

    Over 40 years (1981-2023) assessing stigma with the Community Attitudes to Mental Illness (CAMI) scale: a systematic review of its psychometric properties

    Systematic Reviews . 12(1): 66-66. Nº de cites: 5
