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  • Farrés J, Ruiz JL, Mas JM, Arias L, Sarrias MR, Armengol C, Cardona PJ, Munoz-Moreno JA, Vilaplana M, Arranz B, Usall J, Serrano-Blanco A and Vilaplana C.

    Identification of the most vulnerable populations in the psychosocial sphere: a cross-sectional study conducted in Catalonia during the strict lockdown imposed against the COVID-19 pandemic

    BMJ Open . 11(11): 52140. Nº de cites: 4


  • Soler M, Ramada JM, Montero-Moraga JM, Palencia-Sánchez F, Merelles A, Macdonald EB and Serra C.

    What is meant by case management for the return-to-work of workers with musculoskeletal disorders? A scoping review.

    WORK . 70(4): 1069-1087. Nº de cites: 1


  • Soler M, Ramada JM, Merelles A, Amat A, de la Flor C, Martínez O, Palma CM, Sancho C, Peña P, Bültmann U, van Zon SKR and Serra C.

    Process evaluation of a complex workplace intervention to prevent musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff: results from INTEVAL_Spain.

    BMC Nursing . 20(1): 189-189. Nº de cites: 3


  • Francque SM, Marchesini G, Kautz A, Walmsley M, Dorner R, Lazarus JV, Zelber-Sagi S, Hallsworth K, Busetto L, Frühbeck G, Dicker D, Woodward E, Korenjak M, Willemse J, Koek GH, Vinker S, Ungan M, Mendive JM and Lionis C.

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A patient guideline.

    jhep reports : innovation in hepatology . 3(5): 100322-100322. Nº de cites: 142


  • Domènech J, Mundó J, Switsers L, van Tilburg T, Fernández D and Aznar I.

    Social network size, loneliness, physical functioning and depressive symptoms among older adults: Examining reciprocal associations in four waves of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY . 36(10): 1541-1549. Nº de cites: 36


  • Arias-de la Torre J, Vilagut G, Ronaldson A, Serrano-Blanco A, Martín V, Peters M, Valderas JM, Dregan A and Alonso J.

    Prevalence and variability of current depressive disorder in 27 European countries: a population-based study.



  • Calderon-Mediavilla M, Vila R, Dolz M, Butjosa A, Barajas A, del Cacho N, Sánchez Fernández B, Pardo M, Baños I, Usall J, GENIPE Group, PROFEP Group and Ochoa S.

    Depressive symptoms and their relationship with negative and other psychotic symptoms in early onset psychosis.

    EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY . 30(9): 1383-1390. Nº de cites: 13


  • Conejo-Cerón S, Lokkerbol J, Moreno-Peral P, Wijnen B, Fernández A, Mendive JM, Smit F and Bellón JÁ.

    Health-economic evaluation of psychological interventions for depression prevention: Systematic review.

    CLIN PSYCHOL REV . 88: 102064-102064. Nº de cites: 12


  • Aznar I, Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E, Casajuana-Closas M, Sanchez A, Parody-Rúa E, Bolíbar B, Iracheta M, Bulilete O, López-Jiménez T, Pombo-Ramos H, Martín Miguel MV, Magallón-Botaya R, Maderuelo-Fernández JÁ, Motrico E, Bellón J, Martí-Lluch R, Rubio-Valera M and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of a multiple health behaviour change intervention in people aged between 45 and 75 years: a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care (EIRA study)



  • Diez-Quevedo C, Iglesias M, Giralt-López M, Rangil T, Sanagustin D, Moreira M, López-Ramentol M, Ibáñez-Caparrós A, Lorán ME, Bustos-Cardona T, Menéndez-Cuiñas I, Mundo-Cid P, Blanco-Presas L, de Pablo J and Cuevas-Esteban J.

    Mental disorders, psychopharmacological treatments, and mortality in 2150 COVID-19 Spanish inpatients.

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 143(6): 526-534. Nº de cites: 39
