Buscador de publicaciones


  • Ayuso-Mateos JL, Salvador-Carulla L and Chisholm D.

    Medida de la calidad de vida en el análisis económico de la atención a la salud mental.

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 34(1): 1-6. Nº de citas: 4

  • Salvador-Carulla L, Poole M, Gonzalez-Caballero JL, Romero C, Salinas JA, Lagares-Franco CM, RIRAG/PSICOST Group and DESDE Consensus Panel.

    Development and usefulness of an instrument for the standard description and comparison of services for disabilities (DESDE).

    Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum . (432): 19-28. Nº de citas: 27


  • Haro JM and Salvador-Carulla L.

    The SOHO (schizophrenia outpatient health outcome) study - Implications for the treatment of schizophrenia

    Cns Drugs . 20(4): 293-301. Nº de citas: 72


  • Gutierrez-Recacha, R., Chisholm, D., Haro JM, Salvador-Carulla L and Ayuso-Mateos JL.

    Cost-effectiveness of different clinical interventions for reducing the burden of schizophrenia in Spain

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 114(432): 29-38. Nº de citas: 27

  • Tibaldi G, Munizza C, Pasian S, Johnson S, Salvador-Carulla L, Zucchi S, Cesano S, Testa C, Scala E and Pinciaroli L.

    Indicators predicting use of mental health services in Piedmont, Italy.

    JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS . 8(2): 95-106. Nº de citas: 26

  • Salvador-Carulla L, Tibaldi G, Johnson S, Scala E, Romero C, Munizza C, CSRP group and RIRAG group.

    Patterns of mental health service utilisation in Italy and Spain--an investigation using the European Service Mapping Schedule.



  • Gonzalez-Gordon RG, Salvador-Carulla L, Romero C, Gonzalez-Saiz F and Romero D.

    Feasibility, reliability and validity of the Spanish version of Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disability: a structured psychiatric interview for intellectual disability.

    JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH . 46(Pt 3): 209-217. Nº de citas: 26


  • Seguí J, Márquez M, García L, Canet J, Salvador-Carulla L and Ortiz M.

    Depersonalization in panic disorder: a clinical study.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 41(3): 172-178. Nº de citas: 62


  • Salvador-Carulla L, Rodríguez-Blázquez C, Rodríguez de Molina M, Pérez-Marín J and Velázquez R.

    Hidden psychiatric morbidity in a vocational programme for people with intellectual disability.

    JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH . 44 ( Pt 2): 147-154. Nº de citas: 21


  • Salvador-Carulla L, Romero C, Martinez A, Haro JM, Bustillo G, Ferreira A, Gaite L, Johnson S and PSICOST Group.

    Assessment instruments: standardization of the European Service Mapping Schedule (ESMS) in Spain.

    Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum . 405: 24-32. Nº de citas: 27
