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  • Brebion G, Nuñez C, Lombardini F, Carl Senior, Sánchez Laforga AM, Siddi S, Usall J and Stephan-Otto C.

    Subclinical depression and anxiety impact verbal memory functioning differently in men and women -an fMRI study

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 140: 308-315. Nº de cites: 5


  • Pardo M, Matalí JL, Sivoli J, Vila R, Butjosa A, Dolz M, Sánchez Fernández B, Barajas A, del Cacho N, Baños I, Ochoa S and Usall J.

    Early onset psychosis and cannabis use: Prevalence, clinical presentation and influence of daily use.

    Asian Journal of Psychiatry . 62: 102714-102714. Nº de cites: 12


  • Bernardo M, Amoretti S, Cuesta MJ, Parellada M, Mezquida G, González-Pinto A, Bergé D, Lobo A, Aguilar EJ, Usall J, Corripio I, Bobes J, Rodríguez-Jiménez R, Sarró S, Contreras F, Ibáñez Á, Gutiérrez M, Micó JA and 2EPs Group.

    The prevention of relapses in first episodes of schizophrenia: The 2EPs Project, background, rationale and study design

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 14(3): 164-176. Nº de cites: 11


  • Castells X, Ramon M, Cunill R, Olivé C and Serrano D.

    Relationship Between Treatment Duration and Efficacy of Pharmacological Treatment for ADHD: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of 87 Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.

    JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS . 25(10): 1352-1361. Nº de cites: 11


  • Diez-Quevedo C, Iglesias M, Giralt-López M, Rangil T, Sanagustin D, Moreira M, López-Ramentol M, Ibáñez-Caparrós A, Lorán ME, Bustos-Cardona T, Menéndez-Cuiñas I, Mundo-Cid P, Blanco-Presas L, de Pablo J and Cuevas-Esteban J.

    Mental disorders, psychopharmacological treatments, and mortality in 2150 COVID-19 Spanish inpatients.

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 143(6): 526-534. Nº de cites: 41


  • Huerta-Ramos ME, Ferrer-Quintero M, Gómez-Benito J, González-Higueras F, Cuadras-Palleja D, Del Rey-Mejías AL, Usall J and Ochoa S.

    Translation and validation of Baron Cohen’s face test in a general population from Spain.

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 49(3): 106-113. Nº de cites: 12

  • Sastre-Buades A, Ochoa S, ESTHER LORENTE ROVIRA, Barajas A, Eva Maria Grasa Bello, López-Carrilero R, Luengo A, Isabel Ruiz Delgado, Jordi Cid Colom, González-Higueras F, Sánchez-Alonso S, Baca-García E, Barrigón ML and Spanish Metacognition Study Group.

    Jumping to conclusions and suicidal behavior in depression and psychosis.

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 137: 514-520. Nº de cites: 11


  • Traver-Edo D, Escuder G, Miguel-Ángel Talavera-Valverde and Pedro Moruno-Miralles.

    Women in Forensic Mental Health Services: Lived Experiences and Meanings Attributed to Activities in Rehabilitation Programs. Study Protocol



  • Studerus E, Ittig S, Beck K, del Cacho N, Vila R, Butjosa A, Usall J and Riecher-Rössler A.

    Relation between self-perceived stress, psychopathological symptoms and the stress hormone prolactin in emerging psychosis.

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 136: 428-434. Nº de cites: 17


  • González RP, Tortadès I, Alpiste F, Fernandez J, Torner J, García-Franco M, Martin-Martínez JR, Vilamala S, Escandell MJ, Casas E, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ and Ochoa S.

    Usability of a Psychotherapeutic Interactive Gaming Tool Used in Facial Emotion Recognition for People with Schizophrenia.

    Journal of Personalized Medicine . 11(3): 214.
