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  • Piard, J., Aral, B., Vabres, P., Holder-Espinasse, M., Megarbane, A., Gauthier, S., Capra, V., Pierquin, G., Callier, P., Baumann, C., Pasquier, L., Baujat, G., Martorell-Sampol L, Rodriguez, A., Brady, A. F., Boralevi, F., González-Enseñat MA, Rio, M., Bodemer, C., Philip, N., Cordier, M. P., Goldenberg, A., Demeer, B., Wright, M., Blair, E., Puzenat, E., Parent, P., Sznajer, Y., Francannet, C., DiDonato, N., Boute, O., Barlogis, V., Moldovan, O., Bessis, D., Coubes, C., Tardieu, M., Cormier-Daire, V., Sousa, A. B., Franques, J., Toutain, A., Tajir, M., Elalaoui, S. C., Genevieve, D., Thevenon, J., Courcet, J. B., Riviere, J. B., Collet, C., Gigot, N., Faivre, L. and Thauvin-Robinet, C..

    Search for ReCQL4 mutations in 39 patients genotyped for suspected Rothmund-Thomson/Baller-Gerold syndromes

    CLINICAL GENETICS . 87(3): 244-251. Nº de cites: 19


  • Natera-de Benito D, Fons-Estupina C, Ulate-Campos A, Martorell-Sampol L and Poo P.

    Clinical and genomic characterization of two patients with a duplication of 9q34: comparison and review of the literature

    CLINICAL DYSMORPHOLOGY . 24(1): 38-43. Nº de cites: 1


  • Roca I, González-Castro L, Maynou-Fernández J, Palacios L, Fernández H, Couce ML and Fernández-Marmiesse A.

    PattRec: An easy-to-use CNV detection tool optimized for targeted NGS assays with diagnostic purposes.

    Genomics . : . Nº de cites: 8


  • Haghshenas S, Bout HJ, Schijns JM, Levy MA, Kerkhof J, Bhai P, McConkey H, Jenkins ZA, Williams EM, Halliday BJ, Huisman SA, Lauffer P, de Waard V, Witteveen L, Banka S, Brady AF, Galazzi E, van Gils J, Hurst ACE, Kaiser FJ, Lacombe D, Martinez-Monseny T, Fergelot P, Monteiro FP, Parenti I, Persani L, Simarro FS, Simpson BN, Alders M, Robertson SP, Sadikovic B and Menke LA.

    Menke-Hennekam syndrome; delineation of domain-specific subtypes with distinct clinical and DNA methylation profiles.

    Human Genetics and Genomics Advances . : 100287-100287. Nº de cites: 4


  • Luque-Luna M, Borregán M, Lianes JG and Prat-Torres CS.

    Waardenburg syndrome.



  • Trujillano L, Valenzuela I, Costa-Roger M, Cuscó I, Fernandez-Alvarez P, Cueto-González A, Lasa-Aranzasti A, Masotto B, Abulí A, Codina-Solà M, Del Campo M, Ruiz Moreno JA, Pardo Domínguez C, Palma Milla C, Pérez de la Fuente R, Quesada-Espinosa JF, Núñez-Enamorado N, Gener B, Ballesta-Martínez MJ, Brea-Fernández AJ, Fernández-Prieto M, Trujillo-Quintero JP, Ruiz A, Santos-Simarro F, Rosello M, Orellana C, Martinez F, Martinez-Monseny T, Casas-Alba D, Serrano M, Palomares-Bralo M, Rikeros-Orozco E, Gómez-Cano MÁ, Tirado-Requero P, Pié Juste J, Ramos FJ, García-Arumí E and Tizzano EF.

    Comprehensive Clinical and Genetic Characterization of a Spanish Cohort of 22 Patients With Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome.

