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  • Baroni LV, Sampor C, Fandiño A, Solernou V, Demirdjian G, de Davila MT and Chantada G.

    Anterior Segment Invasion in Retinoblastoma: Is It a Risk Factor for Extraocular Relapse?

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY . 36(8): 509-512. Nº de cites: 16


  • Francis JH, Schaiquevich P, Buitrago E, Del Sole MJ, Zapata G, Croxatto JO, Marr BP, Brodie SE, Berra A, Chantada G and Abramson DH.

    Local and Systemic Toxicity of Intravitreal Melphalan for Vitreous Seeding in Retinoblastoma A Preclinical and Clinical Study

    Ophthalmology . 121(9): 1810-1817. Nº de cites: 106


  • Moreno F, Sinaki B, Fandiño A, Dussel V, Orellana L and Chantada G.

    A Population-Based Study of Retinoblastoma Incidence and Survival in Argentine Children

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 61(9): 1610-1615. Nº de cites: 37


  • Grigorovski N, Lucena E, Mattosinho C, Parareda A, Ferman S, Català-Mora J and Chantada G.

    Use of intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: results of a survey

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY . 7(4): 726-730. Nº de cites: 43


  • Chantada G, Fandiño AC, Schvartzman E, Raslawski E, Schaiquevich P and Manzitti J.

    Impact of Chemoreduction for Conservative Therapy for Retinoblastoma in Argentina

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 61(5): 821-826. Nº de cites: 30


  • Taich P, Ceciliano A, Buitrago E, Sampor C, Fandino A, Villasante F, Lucena E, Romero L, Chantada G and Schaiquevich P.

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Intra-arterial Melphalan and Topotecan Combination in Patients with Retinoblastoma

    Ophthalmology . 121(4): 889-897. Nº de cites: 43


  • Ottaviani D, Parma D, Giliberto F, Ferrer M, Fandino A, Davila MT, Chantada G and Szijan I.

    Spectrum of RB1 Mutations in Argentine Patients: 20-years Experience in the Molecular Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma

    OPHTHALMIC GENETICS . 34(4): 189-198. Nº de cites: 10


  • Chantada G, Sampor C, Bosaleh A, Solernou V, Fandiño A and de Dávila MT.

    Comparison of staging systems for extraocular retinoblastoma: analysis of 533 patients.

    JAMA OPHTHALMOLOGY . 131(9): 1127-1134. Nº de cites: 26


  • Laurent VE, Sampor C, Solernou V, Rossi J, Gabri M, Eandi-Eberle S, de Davila MT, Alonso DF and Chantada G.

    Detection of minimally disseminated disease in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with high-risk retinoblastoma by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for GD2 synthase mRNA

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER . 49(13): 2892-2899. Nº de cites: 24


  • Chantada G, Luna-Fineman S, Sitorus RS, Kruger M, Israels T, Leal-Leal C, Bakhshi S, Qaddoumi I, Abramson DH and Doz F.

    SIOP-PODC recommendations for graduated-intensity treatment of retinoblastoma in developing countries

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 60(5): 719-727. Nº de cites: 56
