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  • García Balcaza V, Camp A, Badal A, Andersson M, Almen A, Ginjaume-Egido M and Duch MA.

    Fast Monte Carlo codes for occupational dosimetry in interventional radiology.

    PHYS MEDICA . 85: 166-174. Nº de cites: 11


  • Civera-Tregon A, Dominguez-Brezosa L, Martínez-Valero P, Serrano C, Vallmitjana A, Benítez R, Hoenicka J, Satrústegui J and Palau F.

    Mitochondria and calcium defects correlate with axonal dysfunction in GDAP1-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth mouse model

    NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE . 152: 105300-105300. Nº de cites: 14


  • Bottiroli S, Bernini S, Cavallini E, Sinforiani E, Zucchella C, Pazzi S, Cristiani P, Vecchi T, Tost-Pardell D, Sandrini G and Tassorelli C.

    The Smart Aging Platform for Assessing Early Phases of Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Neurodegenerative Diseases.

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY . 12: 635410-635410. Nº de cites: 12


  • Wei J, Yao J, Belke D, Guo W, Zhong X, Sun B, Wang R, Paul Estillore J, Vallmitjana A, Benítez R, Hove-Madsen L, Alvarez-Lacalle E, Echebarria B and Chen SRW.

    Ca(2+)-CaM Dependent Inactivation of RyR2 Underlies Ca(2+) Alternans in Intact Heart.

    CIRCULATION RESEARCH . 128(4): 63-83. Nº de cites: 14


  • Fernández Bosman D, García Balcaza V, Delgado C, Principi S, Duch MA and Ginjaume-Egido M.

    Validation of the MC-GPU Monte Carlo code against the PENELOPE/penEasy code system and benchmarking against experimental conditions for typical radiation qualities and setups in interventional radiology and cardiology.

    PHYS MEDICA . 82: 64-71. Nº de cites: 10


  • Bonet, N, von Barnekow A, Mata, MT, Gomar, C and Tost-Pardell D.

    Three-Dimensional Game-Based Cardiopulmonary Bypass Training

    CLINICAL SIMULATION IN NURSING . 50: 81. Nº de cites: 8


  • Ainsbury EA, Dalke C, Hamada N, Benadjaoud MA, Chumak V, Ginjaume-Egido M, Kok JL, Mancuso M, Sabatier L, Struelens L, Thariat J and Jourdain JR.

    Radiation-induced lens opacities: Epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence, methodological issues, research gaps and strategy.

    ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL . 146: 106213-106213. Nº de cites: 23


  • Pijuan-Marquilles J, Rodríguez-Sanz M, Natera-de Benito D, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Altimir A, Osuna-Lopez M, Roura-Llerda M, Ugalde M, Van de Vondel L, Reina-Castillon J, Fons-Estupina C, Benítez R, Nascimento-Osorio A, Hoenicka J and Palau F.

    Translational Diagnostics An In-House Pipeline to Validate Genetic Variants in Children with Undiagnosed and Rare Diseases

    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS . 23(1): 71-90. Nº de cites: 7


  • Saez, P, Duno, C, Sun, LY, Antonovaite, N, Malve, M, Tost-Pardell D and Goriely, A.

    Topological features dictate the mechanics of the mammalian brains



  • Cantarero-Abad L, Juárez-Escoto E, Civera-Tregon A, Rodriguez-Sanz, Maria, Roldan-Molina M, Benítez R, Hoenicka J and Palau F.

    Mitochondria-lysosome membrane contacts are defective in GDAP1-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

    HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS . 29(22): 3589-3605. Nº de cites: 38
