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  • Carrere X, Pinto N, Gene-Olaciregui N, Galluzzo L, Rossetti E, Celis-Passini V, Salvador-Marcos N, Chantada G, Braier J, Lavarino C and Felizzia G.

    High prevalence of BRAF(V600E) in patients with cholestasis, sclerosing cholangitis or liver fibrosis secondary to Langerhans cell histiocytosis

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(7): 29115. Nº de cites: 2


  • Castillo H, Pascual-Pastó G, Pérez-Jaume S, Resa-Parés C, Vilà-Ubach M, Monterrubio C, Jimenez-Cabaco A, Baulenas-Farrés M, Muñoz-Aznar O, Salvador-Marcos N, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Balaguer-Lluna L, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Vicario FJ, Manzanares-Quintela A, Castañeda-Heredia A, Santa-María López V, Cruz-Martínez O, Celis-Passini V, Morales-La Madrid A, Garraus-Oneca M, Gorostegui M, Vancells M, Carrasco-Torrents R, Krauel L, Torner-Rubies F, Suñol M, Lavarino C, Mora J and Carcaboso AM.

    Prognostic value of patient-derived xenograft engraftment in pediatric sarcomas

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY CLINICAL RESEARCH . 7(4): 338-349. Nº de cites: 14


  • Dittner-Moormann S, Reschke M, Abbink FCH, Aerts I, Atalay HT, Fedorovna Bobrova N, Biewald E, Brecht IB, Caspi S, Cassoux N, Castela G, Diarra Y, Duncan C, Ebinger M, Garcia Aldana D, Hadjistilianou D, Kepák T, Klett A, Kiratli H, Maka E, Opocher E, Pawinska-Wasikowska K, Rascon J, Russo I, Rutynowska-Pronicka O, Sábado Álvarez C, Pacheco SSR, Svojgr K, Timmermann B, Vishnevskia-Dai V, Eggert A, Ritter-Sovinz P, Bechrakis NE, Jenkinson H, Moll A, Munier FL, Popovic MB, Chantada G, Doz F and Ketteler P.

    Adjuvant therapy of histopathological risk factors of retinoblastoma in Europe: A survey by the European Retinoblastoma Group (EURbG).

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(6): . Nº de cites: 9


  • Ferretti R, Baldassarre A, Billy E, Carcaboso AM, Moore A, Carai A, Mastronuzzi A, Masotti A and Vinci M.

    Tumor cell invasion into Matrigel: optimized protocol for RNA extraction

    Biotechniques . : 327-335. Nº de cites: 2


  • Graetz D, Agulnik A, Ranadive R, Vedaraju Y, Chen Y, Chantada G, Metzger ML, Mukkada S, Force LM, Friedrich P, Lam C, Sniderman E, Bhakta N, Hessissen L, Dalvi R, Devidas M, Pritchard-Jones K, Rodriguez-Galindo C and Moreira DC.

    Global effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric cancer care: a cross-sectional study.

    LANCET CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH . 5(5): 332-340. Nº de cites: 78


  • Berry JL, Munier FL, Gallie BL, Polski A, Shah S, Shields CL, Gombos DS, Ruchalski K, Stathopoulos C, Shah R, Jubran R, Kim JW, Mruthyunjaya P, Marr BP, Wilson MW, Brennan RC, Chantada G, Chintagumpala MM and Murphree AL.

    Response criteria for intraocular retinoblastoma: RB-RECIST

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(5): . Nº de cites: 10


  • Moreira DC, Sniderman E, Mukkada S, Chantada G, Bhakta N, Foster W, Avula M, Homsi MR, Faughan L, Happ B, Andujar A, Sonnenfelt J, Dalvi R, Frazier AL, Hessissen L, Kearns PR, Luna-Fineman S, Moreno A, Saghir Khan M, Sullivan M, Devidas M, Santana V, Caniza M, Pritchard-Jones K and Rodriguez-Galindo C.

    The Global COVID-19 Observatory and Resource Center for Childhood Cancer: A response for the pediatric oncology community by SIOP and St. Jude Global.

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(5): . Nº de cites: 7


  • Bailleul Q, Navarin P, Arcicasa M, Bal-Mahieu C, Carcaboso AM, Le Bourhis X, Furlan A, Meignan S and Leblond P.

    Evofosfamide Is Effective against Pediatric Aggressive Glioma Cell Lines in Hypoxic Conditions and Potentiates the Effect of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and Ionizing Radiations

    Cancers . 13(8): 1804. Nº de cites: 6


  • Abu-Arja MH, Rojas Del Río N, Morales-La Madrid A, Lassaletta A, Coven SL, Moreno R, Valero M, Perez V, Espinoza F, Fernandez E, Santander J, Tordecilla J, Oyarce V, Kopp K, Bartels U, Qaddoumi I, Finlay JL, Cáceres A, Reyes M, Espinoza X and Osorio DS.

    Evaluation of the Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Resources Available in Chile.

    jco global oncology . 7: 425-434. Nº de cites: 4


  • Bukchin A, Sanchez-Navarro M, Carrera A, Resa-Parés C, Castillo H, Balaguer-Lluna L, Teixidó M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Giralt E, Carcaboso AM and Sosnik A.

    Amphiphilic Polymeric Nanoparticles Modified with a Protease-Resistant Peptide Shuttle for the Delivery of SN-38 in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

    ACS Applied Nano Materials . 4(2): 1314-1329. Nº de cites: 13
