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  • Morales-La Madrid A, Hashizume R and Kieran MW.

    Future Clinical Trials in DIPG: Bringing Epigenetics to the Clinic.

    Frontiers in oncology . 5: 148-148. Nº de cites: 48


  • Mora J, Cruz-Martínez O, Lavarino C, Rios J, Vancells M, Parareda A, Salvador-Hernandez H, Suñol M, Carrasco-Torrents R, Guillen-Quesada A, Mañé S and de Torres C.

    Results of induction chemotherapy in children older than 18 months with stage-4 neuroblastoma treated with an adaptive-to-response modified N7 protocol (mN7)

    CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 17(7): 521-529. Nº de cites: 12


  • Cockle JV, Picton S, Levesley J, Ilett E, Carcaboso AM, Short S, Steel LP, Melcher A, Lawler SE and Brüning-Richardson A.

    Cell migration in paediatric glioma; characterisation and potential therapeutic targeting

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER . 112(4): 693-703. Nº de cites: 25


  • Nussbaumer G, Benesch M, Grabovska Y, Mackay A, Castel D, Grill J, Alonso MM, Antonelli M, Bailey S, Baugh JN, Biassoni V, Blattner Johnson M, Broniscer A, Carai A, Colafati GS, Colditz N, Corbacioglu S, Crampsie S, Entz-Werle N, Eyrich M, Friker LL, Frühwald MC, Garrè ML, Gerber NU, Giangaspero F, Gil-da-Costa MJ, Graf N, Hargrave D, Hauser P, Herrlinger U, Hoffmann M, Hulleman E, Izquierdo E, Jacobs S, Karremann M, Kattamis A, Kebudi R, Kortmann RD, Kwiecien R, Massimino M, Mastronuzzi A, Miele E, Morana G, Noack CM, Pentikainen V, Perwein T, Pfister SM, Pietsch T, Roka K, Rossi S, Rutkowski S, Schiavello E, Seidel C, Šterba J, Sturm D, Sumerauer D, Tacke A, Temelso S, Valentini C, van Vuurden D, Varlet P, Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM, Vinci M, von Bueren AO, Warmuth-Metz M, Wesseling P, Wiese M, Wolff JEA, Zamecnik J, Morales-La Madrid A, Bison B, Gielen GH, Jones DTW, Jones C and Kramm CM.

    Gliomatosis cerebri in children: A poor prognostic phenotype of diffuse gliomas with a distinct molecular profile.

    Neuro-Oncology . : .


  • Liu I, Alencastro Veiga Cruzeiro G, Bjerke L, Rogers RF, Grabovska Y, Beck A, Mackay A, Barron T, Hack OA, Quezada MA, Molinari V, Shaw ML, Perez-Somarriba M, Temelso S, Raynaud F, Ruddle R, Panditharatna E, Englinger B, Mire HM, Jiang L, Nascimento A, LaBelle J, Haase R, Rozowsky J, Neyazi S, Baumgartner AC, Castellani S, Hoffman SE, Cameron A, Morrow M, Nguyen QD, Pericoli G, Madlener S, Mayr L, Dorfer C, Geyeregger R, Rota C, Ricken G, Ligon KL, Alexandrescu S, Cartaxo RT, Lau B, Uphadhyaya S, Koschmann C, Braun E, Danan-Gotthold M, Hu L, Siletti K, Sundström E, Hodge R, Lein E, Agnihotri S, Eisenstat DD, Stapleton S, King A, Bleil C, Mastronuzzi A, Cole KA, Waanders AJ, Carcaboso AM, Schüller U, Hargrave D, Vinci M, Carceller F, Haberler C, Slavc I, Linnarsson S, Gojo J, Monje M, Jones C and Filbin MG.

    GABAergic neuronal lineage development determines clinically actionable targets in diffuse hemispheric glioma, H3G34-mutant.

    Cancer Cell . : .
