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  • Garzón M, García-Fructuoso G, Suñol M, Mora J and Cruz-Martínez O.

    Low-grade gliomas in children: single institutional experience in 198 cases

    CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM . 31(9): 1447-1459. Nº de cites: 8


  • Monterrubio C, Paco-Mercader S, Vilà-Ubach M, Rodriguez E, Glisoni R, Lavarino C, Schaiquevich P, Sosnik A, Mora J and Carcaboso AM.

    Combined Microdialysis-Tumor Homogenate Method for the Study of the Steady State Compartmental Distribution of a Hydrophobic Anticancer Drug in Patient-Derived Xenografts

    PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH . 32(9): 2889-2900. Nº de cites: 10


  • Ordóñez JL, Amaral AT, Carcaboso AM, Herrero-Martín D, Del Carmen García-Macías M, Sevillano V, Alonso D, Pascual-Pastó G, San-Segundo L, Vilà-Ubach M, Rodrigues T, Fraile S, Teodosio C, Mayo-Iscar A, Aracil M, Galmarini CM, Tirado OM, Mora J and de Álava E.

    The PARP inhibitor olaparib enhances the sensitivity of Ewing sarcoma to trabectedin

    Oncotarget . 6(22): 18875-18890. Nº de cites: 64


  • Mora J, Cruz-Martínez O, Lavarino C, Rios J, Vancells M, Parareda A, Salvador-Hernandez H, Suñol M, Carrasco-Torrents R, Guillen-Quesada A, Mañé S and de Torres C.

    Results of induction chemotherapy in children older than 18 months with stage-4 neuroblastoma treated with an adaptive-to-response modified N7 protocol (mN7)

    CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 17(7): 521-529. Nº de cites: 12


  • Puerta P, Guillen-Quesada A, Mora J, Suñol M and Ferrer E.

    Isolated skull metastasis of Ewing's Sarcoma in a child

    Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research . 2(5): 1046.

  • Gomez-Gonzalez S, Castellano G, Mayol G, Suñol M, Queiros A, Bibikova M, Nazor KL, Loring JF, Lemos I, Rodríguez E, de Torres C, Mora J, Martín-Subero JI and Lavarino C.

    DNA methylation fingerprint of neuroblastoma reveals new biological and clinical insights

    EPIGENOMICS . 7(7): 1137-1153. Nº de cites: 36


  • Mora J, Modak S, Cheung NK, Meyers P, de Alava E, Kushner B, Magnan H, Tirado OM, Laquaglia M, Ladanyi M and Rosai J.

    Desmoplastic small round cell tumor 20 years after its discovery

    FUTURE ONCOLOGY . 11(7): 1071-1081. Nº de cites: 33


  • Cristina Larrosa Espinosa, Mico S, Ramos M, Pérez-Jaume S, Sánchez M, Castañeda-Heredia A, Garraus-Oneca M and Mora J.

    Radiation recall reaction induced by gemcitabine/docetaxel in children: A retrospective study on risk factors and outcomes.



  • Fufa D, Mdoka C, Ayalew M, Khofi H, Amankwah E, Chokwenda N, Mezgebu E, Mavinkurve-Groothuis AMC, Kamiza S, Chikaphonya-Phiri B, Wassie M, Atwiine B, Branchard M, Gorostegui M, Parkes J, Kudowa E, Eklu B, Jator B, Renner LA, Borgstein E, Molyneux E, Kouya F, Pritchard-Jones K, Paintsil V, Chitsike I, Chagaluka G and Israels T.

    Effectiveness of a Wilms tumour treatment guideline adapted to local circumstances in sub-Saharan Africa: A report from Wilms Africa Phase II-CANCaRe Africa.

