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  • González-Acosta M, Marín F, Puliafito B, Bonifaci N, Fernández A, Navarro M, Salvador-Hernandez H, Balaguer F, Iglesias S, Velasco A, Grau Garces E, Moreno V, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Guerra-García P, Ayala R, Florkin B, Kratz C, Ripperger T, Rosenbaum T, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska D, Azizi AA, Ragab I, Nathrath M, Pander HJ, Lobitz S, Suerink M, Dahan K, Imschweiler T, Demirsoy U, Brunet J, Lázaro C, Rueda D, Wimmer K, Capellá G and Pineda M.

    High-sensitivity microsatellite instability assessment for the detection of mismatch repair defects in normal tissue of biallelic germline mismatch repair mutation carriers

    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 57(4): 269-273. Nº de cites: 24


  • Castellanos E, Rosas I, Negro A, Gel B, Alibés A, Baena N, Pineda M, Pi G, Pintos G, Salvador-Hernandez H, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Vilageliu L, Brems H, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Legius E and Serra E.

    Mutational spectrum by phenotype: panel-based NGS testing of patients with clinical suspicion of RASopathy and children with multiple café-au-lait macules.

    CLINICAL GENETICS . 97(2): 264-275. Nº de cites: 14


  • Garcia-López M, Rodriguez-Hernandez CJ, Mateo-Lozano S, Pérez-Jaume S, Gonçalves-Alves E, Lavarino C, Mora J and de Torres C.

    Parathyroid hormone-like hormone plays a dual role in neuroblastoma depending on PTH1R expression

    MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY . 13(9): 1959-1975. Nº de cites: 8


  • Campbell K, Rossi F, Adams J, Pitsidianaki I, Barriga FM, García-Gerique L, Batlle E, Casanova J and Casali A.

    Collective cell migration and metastases induced by an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in Drosophila intestinal tumors.

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS . 10(1): 2311-2311. Nº de cites: 68


  • Perez-Somarriba M, Andión M, López-Pino MA, Lavarino C, Madero L and Lassaletta A.

    Old drugs still work! Oral etoposide in a relapsed medulloblastoma.

    CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM . 35(5): 865-869. Nº de cites: 4


  • Roldan-Merino J, Farrés M, Estrada-Masllorens JM, Hurtado B, Miguel-Ruiz D, Nebot C, Insa-Calderon E, LUIS GRANELL, Bande G, Falcó A, Lluch-Canut T and Casas I.

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument (C-SEI).

    NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE . 35: 14-20. Nº de cites: 12


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Bazan-Peregrino M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Mato-Berciano A, Ottaviani D, Weber K, Correa MG, Paco-Mercader S, Vilà-Ubach M, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Castillo H, Botteri G, García-Gerique L, Moreno-Gilabert H, Gimenez-Alejandre M, Alonso-Lopez P, Farrera-Sal M, Torres-Manjon S, Ramos-Lozano D, Moreno R, Aerts I, Doz F, Cassoux N, Chapeaublanc E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Roldan-Molina M, König A, Suñol M, Claverol J, Lavarino C, de Torres C, Fu L, Radvanyi F, Munier FL, Català-Mora J, Mora J, Alemany R, Cascallo M, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Therapeutic targeting of the RB1 pathway in retinoblastoma with the oncolytic adenovirus VCN-01

    SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE . 11(476): 9321. Nº de cites: 71


  • D'Angelo F, Ceccarelli M, Tala, Garofano L, Zhang J, Frattini V, Caruso FP, Lewis G, Alfaro KD, Bauchet L, Berzero G, Cachia D, Cangiano M, Capelle L, de Groot J, DiMeco F, Ducray F, Farah W, Finocchiaro G, Goutagny S, Kamiya-Matsuoka C, Lavarino C, Loiseau H, Lorgis V, Marras CE, McCutcheon I, Nam DH, Ronchi S, Saletti V, Seizeur R, Slopis J, Suñol M, Vandenbos F, Varlet P, Vidaud D, Watts C, Tabar V, Reuss DE, Kim SK, Meyronet D, Mokhtari K, Salvador-Hernandez H, Bhat KP, Eoli M, Sanson M, Lasorella A and Iavarone A.

    The molecular landscape of glioma in patients with Neurofibromatosis 1

    NATURE MEDICINE . 25(1): 176-187. Nº de cites: 135


  • Filbin MG, Tirosh I, Hovestadt V, Shaw ML, Escalante LE, Mathewson ND, Neftel C, Frank N, Pelton K, Hebert CM, Haberler C, Yizhak K, Gojo J, Egervari K, Mount C, van Galen P, Bonal DM, Nguyen QD, Beck A, Sinai C, Czech T, Dorfer C, Goumnerova L, Lavarino C, Carcaboso AM, Mora J, Mylvaganam R, Luo CC, Peyrl A, Popovic M, Azizi A, Batchelor TT, Frosch MP, Martinez-Lage M, Kieran MW, Bandopadhayay P, Beroukhim R, Fritsch G, Getz G, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Wucherpfennig KW, Louis DN, Monje M, Slavc I, Ligon KL, Golub TR, Regev A, Bernstein BE and Suvà ML.

    Developmental and oncogenic programs in H3K27M gliomas dissected by single-cell RNA-seq

    SCIENCE . 360(6386): 331-335. Nº de cites: 415


  • Gomez-Gonzalez S, Garrido- García A, García-Gerique L, Lemos I, Suñol M, de Torres C, Kulis M, Pérez-Jaume S, Carcaboso AM, Luu B, Kieran MW, Jabado N, Kozlenkov A, Dracheva S, Ramaswamy V, Hovestadt V, Johann P, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Morales-La Madrid A, Cruz-Martínez O, Taylor MD, Martín-Subero JI, Mora J and Lavarino C.

    A Novel Method for Rapid Molecular Subgrouping of Medulloblastoma

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 24(6): 1355-1363. Nº de cites: 22
