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  • Castellanos MI, Guillem J, Mas-Moruno C, Díaz-Ricart M, Escolar G, Ginebra MP, Gil FJ, Pegueroles M and Manero JM.

    Cell adhesive peptides functionalized on CoCr alloy stimulate endothelialization and prevent thrombogenesis and restenosis

    JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A . 105(4): 973-983. Nº de cites: 17


  • Ciapetti G, di Pompo G, Avnet S, Martini D, Díez Escudero A, Montufar EB, Ginebra MP and Baldini N.

    Osteoclast differentiation from human blood precursors on biomimetic calcium-phosphate substrates

    ACTA BIOMATERIALIA . 50: 102-113. Nº de cites: 39


  • O'Neill R, McCarthy HO, Montufar E, Ginebra MP, Wilson DI, Lennon A and Dunne N.

    Critical review: Injectability of calcium phosphate pastes and cements

    ACTA BIOMATERIALIA . 50: 1-19. Nº de cites: 179


  • Díez Escudero A, Español-Pons M, Montufar EB, Di Pompo G, Ciapetti G, Baldini N and Ginebra MP.

    Focus Ion Beam/Scanning Electron Microscopy Characterization of Osteoclastic Resorption of Calcium Phosphate Substrates.

    Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods . 23(2): 118-124. Nº de cites: 12


  • Maazouz Y, Montufar EB, Malbert J, Español-Pons M and Ginebra MP.

    Self-hardening and thermoresponsive alpha tricalcium phosphate/pluronic pastes.

    ACTA BIOMATERIALIA . 49: 563-574. Nº de cites: 37


  • Castellanos J, Mas C, Grau A, Serra-Picamal X, Trepat X, Albericio F, Joner M, Gil-Mur FX, Ginebra MP, Manero JM and Pegueroles M.

    Functionalization of CoCr surfaces with cell adhesive peptides to promote HUVECs adhesion and proliferation

    APPL SURF SCI . 393: 82-92.

  • Kapp TG, Rechenmacher F, Neubauer S, Maltsev OV, Cavalcanti-Adam EA, Zarka R, Reuning U, Notni J, Wester HJ, Mas C, Spatz J, Geiger B and Kessler H.

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Activity and Selectivity Profile of Ligands for RGD-binding Integrins.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 7: 39805-39805. Nº de cites: 405


  • Hoyos M, Brosel-Oliu S, Abramova N, Muñoz FX, Bratov A, Mas C and Gil-Mur FX.

    Impedimetric antimicrobial peptide-based sensor for the early detection of periodontopathogenic bacteria

    BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS . 86: 377-385. Nº de cites: 60


  • Godoy-Gallardo M, Manzanares-Céspedes MC, Sevilla P, Nart J, Manzanares N, Manero JM, Gil-Mur FX, Boyd SK and Rodríguez-Rius D.

    Evaluation of bone loss in antibacterial coated dental implants: An experimental study in dogs



  • Velasco E, Monsalve-Guil L, Jimenez A, Ortiz I, Moreno-Muñoz J, Nuñez-Marquez E, Pegueroles M, Pérez RA and Gil FJ.

    Importance of the Roughness and Residual Stresses of Dental Implants on Fatigue and Osseointegration Behavior. In Vivo Study in Rabbits

    JOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY . 42(6): 469-476. Nº de cites: 47
