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  • San Miguel-Insúa I, Costa-Faidella J, Lugo ZR, Vilella E and Escera C.

    Standard Tone Stability as a Manipulation of Precision in the Oddball Paradigm: Modulation of Prediction Error Responses to Fixed-Probability Deviants.

    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE . 15: 734200-734200. Nº de cites: 4


  • Paraskevoudi N and San Miguel-Insúa I.

    Self-generation and sound intensity interactively modulate perceptual bias, but not perceptual sensitivity.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 17103-17103. Nº de cites: 7


  • Nunez MI and Bono, R.

    Math anxiety and perfectionistic concerns in multiple-choice assessment

    ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION . 46(6): 865-878. Nº de cites: 4


  • Smit DJA, Andreassen OA, Boomsma DI, Burwell SJ, Chorlian DB, de Geus EJC, Elvsåshagen T, Gordon RL, Harper J, Hegerl U, Hensch T, Iacono WG, Jawinski P, Jönsson EG, Luykx JJ, Magne CL, Malone SM, Medland SE, Meyers JL, Moberget T, Porjesz B, Sander C, Sisodiya SM, Thompson PM, van Beijsterveldt CEM, van Dellen E, Via-Garcia M and Wright MJ.

    Large-scale collaboration in ENIGMA-EEG: A perspective on the meta-analytic approach to link neurological and psychiatric liability genes to electrophysiological brain activity.

    BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR . 11(8): 2188-2188. Nº de cites: 14


  • Solé Puig M, Romeo A and Super H.

    Vergence eye movements during figure-ground perception

    CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION . 92: 103138-103138. Nº de cites: 4


  • Jiménez EC, Avella-Garcia C, Kustow J, Cubbin S, Corrales M, Richarte V, Esposito FL, Morata I, Perera A, Varela P, Cañete J, Faraone SV, Super H and Ramos-Quiroga JA.

    Eye Vergence Responses During an Attention Task in Adults With ADHD and Clinical Controls

    JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS . 25(9): 1302-1310. Nº de cites: 7


  • Lemos FA, da Silva Nunes AD, de Souza Evangelista CK, Escera C, Taveira KVM and Balen SA.

    Frequency-Following Response in Newborns and Infants: A Systematic Review of Acquisition Parameters.

    JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH . 64(6): 2085-2102. Nº de cites: 10


  • Baus C, Ruiz-Tada E, Escera C and Costa A.

    Early detection of language categories in face perception

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 9715-9715. Nº de cites: 4


  • Gorina N, Kurkela JLO, Hämäläinen J, Astikainen P and Escera C.

    Neural generators of the frequency-following response elicited to stimuli of low and high frequency: A magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study

    Neuroimage . 231: 117866-117866. Nº de cites: 34


  • Lerer A, Super H and Keil MS.

    Dynamic decorrelation as a unifying principle for explaining a broad range of brightness phenomena

    PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY . 17(4): 1007907. Nº de cites: 3
