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  • Novák Z, Yáñez A, Kiss I, Kuna P, Tortajada-Girbés M and Valiente R.

    Safety and tolerability of bilastine 10 mg administered for 12 weeks in children with allergic diseases.



  • De Paepe B, Martin JJ, Herbelet S, Jimenez-Mallebrera C, Iglesias-Jimenez E, Jou-Munoz C, Weis J and De Bleecker JL.

    Activation of osmolyte pathways in inflammatory myopathy and Duchenne muscular dystrophy points to osmoregulation as a contributing pathogenic mechanism

    LABORATORY INVESTIGATION . 96(8): 872-884. Nº de cites: 12


  • García-López R, de la Morena-Barrio ME, Alsina L, Pérez-Dueñas B, Jaeken J, Serrano M, Casado-Rio M and Hernández-Caselles T.

    Natural Killer Cell Receptors and Cytotoxic Activity in Phosphomannomutase 2 Deficiency (PMM2-CDG)

    PLoS One . 11(7): . Nº de cites: 7


  • Pascal M, Vázquez-Ortiz M, Folqué-Giménez MM, Jiménez-Feijoo R, Lozano-Blasco J, Domínguez-Sánchez O, Piquer-Gibert M, Giner MT, Alvaro-Lozano M, Dias-Da Costa M, García-Paba B, Machinena A, Alsina L, Yagüe J and Plaza-Martín AM.

    Asymptomatic LIP sensitisation is common in plant-food allergic children from the Northeast of Spain

    ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 44(4): 351-358. Nº de cites: 31


  • Sánchez-Manubens J, Anton-Lopez J, Bou-Torrent R, Iglesias-Jimenez E, Calzada-Hernández J, Borlan S, Gimenez-Roca C and Rivera J.

    Role of the Egami score to predict immunoglobulin resistance in Kawasaki disease among a Western Mediterranean population

    RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL . 36(7): 905-910. Nº de cites: 28


  • Koné-Paut I, Shahram F, Darce-Bello M, Cantarini L, Cimaz R, Gattorno M, Anton-Lopez J, Hofer M, Chkirate B, Bouayed K, Tugal-Tutkun I, Kuemmerle-Deschner J, Agostini H, Federici S, Arnoux A, Piedvache C, Ozen S and PEDBD group.

    Consensus classification criteria for paediatric Behcet's disease from a prospective observational cohort: PEDBD

    ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES . 75(6): 958-964. Nº de cites: 151


  • Calvo Campoverde K, Gean Molins E, Piquer-Gibert M, Martinez Valdez L, Deyà-Martinez A, Rojas Volquez M, Esteve-Sole A, Juan M, Plaza-Martín AM and Alsina L.

    Humoral deficiency in three paediatric patients with genetic diseases

    ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 44(3): 257-262. Nº de cites: 5


  • Constantin T, Foeldvari I, Vojinovic J, Horneff G, Burgos-Vargas R, Nikishina I, Akikusa JD, Avcin T, Chaitow J, Koskova E, Lauwerys BR, Calvo Penades I, Flato B, Gamir ML, Huppertz HI, Raad JJ, Jarosova K, Anton-Lopez J, Macku M, Otero Escalante WJ, Rutkowska-Sak L, Trauzeddel R, Velez-Sanchez PJ, Wouters C, Wajdula J, Zang C, Bukowski J, Woodworth D, Vlahos B, Martini A, Ruperto N and Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation (PRINTO).

    Two-year Efficacy and Safety of Etanercept in Pediatric Patients with Extended Oligoarthritis, Enthesitis-related Arthritis, or Psoriatic Arthritis

    JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY . 43(4): 816-824. Nº de cites: 38


  • Ravelli A, Minoia F, Davì S, Horne A, Bovis F, Pistorio A, Aricò M, Avcin T, Behrens EM, De Benedetti F, Filipovic L, Grom AA, Henter JI, Ilowite NT, Jordan MB, Khubchandani R, Kitoh T, Lehmberg K, Lovell DJ, Miettunen P, Nichols KE, Ozen S, Pachlopnik Schmid J, Ramanan AV, Russo R, Schneider R, Sterba G, Uziel Y, Wallace C, Wouters C, Wulffraat N, Demirkaya E, Brunner HI, Martini A, Ruperto N, Cron RQ, Anton-Lopez J, Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation, Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance, Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group and Histiocyte Society.

    2016 Classification Criteria for Macrophage Activation Syndrome Complicating Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology/Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation Collaborative Initiative.

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY . 68(3): 566-576. Nº de cites: 214


  • Jordán-García I, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Esteban ME, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Felipe-Villalobos A, Hernandez-Platero L, Alsina L, Molero M, Villaronga M and Esteban-Torne E.

    Glutamine effects on heat shock protein 70 and interleukines 6 and 10: Randomized trial of glutamine supplementation versus standard parenteral nutrition in critically ill children

    CLINICAL NUTRITION . 35(1): 34-40. Nº de cites: 24
