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  • Vicente-Muñoz S, Cobo-Cobo T, Puchades-Carrasco L, Sánchez-García AB, Agustí N, Palacio-Navarro A, Pineda-Lucena A and Gratacós E.

    Vaginal metabolome: towards a minimally invasive diagnosis of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in women with preterm labor

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 10(1): 5465-5465. Nº de cites: 6


  • Gomez-Gomez A, Miranda J, Feixas G, Arranz Betegon A, Crispi F, Gratacós E and Pozo OJ.

    Determination of the steroid profile in alternative matrices by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry



  • Youssef L, Miranda J, Paules C, Garcia-Otero L, Vellvé K, Kalapotharakos G, Sepulveda-Martinez A, Crovetto F, Gomez O, Gratacós E and Crispi F.

    Fetal cardiac remodeling and dysfunction is associated with both preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction



  • Cobo-Cobo T, Vergara A, Collado MC, Casals-Pascual C, Herreros E, Bosch J, Sánchez-García AB, López-Parellada R, Ponce J and Gratacós E.

    Characterization of vaginal microbiota in women with preterm labor with intra-amniotic inflammation.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 9(1): 18963-18963. Nº de cites: 15


  • Palomo M, Blasco M, Molina P, Lozano M, Praga M, Torramade-Moix S, Martinez-Sanchez J, Cid J, Escolar G, Carreras E, Paules C, Crispi F, Quintana LF, Poch E, Rodas L, Goma E, Morelle J, Espinosa M, Morales E, Avila A, Cabello V, Ariceta G, Chocron S, Manrique J, Barros X, Martin N, Huerta A, Fraga-Rodriguez GM, Cao M, Martin M, Romera AM, Moreso F, Manonelles A, Gratacós E, Pereira A, Campistol JM and Diaz-Ricart M.

    Complement Activation and Thrombotic Microangiopathies.

    Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology . 14(12): 1719-1732. Nº de cites: 62


  • Paules C, Youssef L, Rovira-Zurriaga C, Crovetto F, Nadal A, Peguero A, Figueras-Retuerta F, Eixarch E, Crispi F, Miranda J and Gratacós E.

    Distinctive patterns of placental lesions in pre-eclampsia vs small-for-gestational age and their association with fetoplacental Doppler

    ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY . 54(5): 609-616. Nº de cites: 42


  • Yoffe L, Polsky A, Gilam A, Raff C, Mecacci F, Ognibene A, Crispi F, Gratacós E, Kanety H, Mazaki-Tovi S, Shomron N and Hod M.

    Early diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus using circulating microRNAs.

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY . 181(5): 565-577. Nº de cites: 72


  • Torrents-Barrena J, López-Velazco R, Piella G, Masoller-Casas N, Valenzuela-Alcaraz BI, Gratacós E, Eixarch E, Ceresa M and Ángel González Ballester M.

    TTTS-GPS: Patient-specific preoperative planning and simulation platform for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome fetal surgery.

    COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE . 179: 104993-104993. Nº de cites: 17


  • Ribera I, Ruiz A, Sánchez O, Eixarch E, Antolín E, Gómez-Montes E, Pérez-Cruz M, Cruz-Lemini M, Sanz-Cortés M, Arévalo S, Ferrer Q, Vázquez E, Vega L, Dolader P, Montoliu A, Boix H, Simões RV, Masoller-Casas N, Sanchez deToledo J, Comas M, Bartha JM, Galindo A, Martínez JM, Gómez-Roig MD, Crispi F, Gómez-Domínguez O, Carreras E, Cabero L, Gratacós E and Llurba E.

    Multicenter prospective clinical study to evaluate children short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in congenital heart disease (children NEURO-HEART): study protocol

    BMC PEDIATRICS . 19(1): 326-326. Nº de cites: 7


  • Hahner N, Benkarim OM, Aertsen M, Pérez-Cruz M, Piella G, Sanroma G, Bargallo N, Deprest J, Gonzalez Ballester MA, Gratacós E and Eixarch E.

    Global and Regional Changes in Cortical Development Assessed by MRI in Fetuses with Isolated Nonsevere Ventriculomegaly Correlate with Neonatal Neurobehavior

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY . 40(9): 1567-1574. Nº de cites: 13
