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  • Karimimehr S, Marateb HR, Muceli S, Mansourian M, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    A Real-Time Method for Decoding the Neural Drive to Muscles Using Single-Channel Intra-Muscular EMG Recordings.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS . 27(6): 1750025-1750025. Nº de cites: 25


  • Migliorelli C, Alonso-Lopez JF, Romero-Lafuente S, Nowak R, Russi A and Mañanas MA.

    Automated detection of epileptic ripples in MEG using beamformer-based virtual sensors.

    JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING . 14(4): 46013-46013. Nº de cites: 21


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA, Alonso-Lopez JF and Marateb HR.

    A Novel Spatial Feature for the Identification of Motor Tasks Using High-Density Electromyography.

    SENSORS . 17(7): . Nº de cites: 17


  • Salazar , M., Hernández, A.M., Mañanas MA and Zuluaga, A..

    Potential clinical application of surface electromyography as indicator of neuromuscular recovery during weaning tests after organophosphate poisoning

    Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva . 29(2): 253-258.


  • Ochoa JF, Alonso-Lopez JF, Duque JE, Tobón CA, Baena A, Lopera F, Mañanas MA and Hernández AM.

    Precuneus Failures in Subjects of the PSEN1 E280A Family at Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease Detected Using Quantitative Electroencephalography

    JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE . 58(4): 1229-1244. Nº de cites: 6


  • Giménez S, Romero-Lafuente S, Alonso JF, Mañanas MA, Pujol A, Baxarias P and Antonijoan RM.

    Monitoring sleep depth: analysis of bispectral index (BIS) based on polysomnographic recordings and sleep deprivation

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MONITORING AND COMPUTING . 31(1): 103-110. Nº de cites: 26


  • Mohebian MR, Marateb HR, Mansourian M, Mañanas MA and Mokarian F.

    A Hybrid Computer-aided-diagnosis System for Prediction of Breast Cancer Recurrence (HPBCR) Using Optimized Ensemble Learning

    Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal . 15: 75-85. Nº de cites: 83


  • Taut D, Pintea S, Roovers JWR, Mañanas MA and Baban A.

    Play seriously: Effectiveness of serious games and their features in motor rehabilitation. A meta-analysis.

    Neurorehabilitation . 41(1): 105-118. Nº de cites: 21


  • Ochoa JF, Alonso JF, Duque JE, Tobón CA, Mañanas MA, Lopera F and Hernández AM.

    Successful Object Encoding Induces Increased Directed Connectivity in Presymptomatic Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease

    JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE . 55(3): 1195-1205. Nº de cites: 8


  • Reza-Marateb H, Farahi M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    Detection of Multiple Innervation Zones from Multi-Channel Surface EMG Recordings with Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Graph-Cut Segmentation

    PLoS One . 11(12): . Nº de cites: 15
