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  • Hayes D, Hunter-Brown H, Camacho E, McPhilbin M, Elliott RA, Ronaldson A, Bakolis I, Repper J, Meddings S, Stergiopoulos V, Brophy L, Miyamoto Y, Castelein S, Klevan TG, Elton D, Grant-Rowles J, Kotera Y, Henderson C and Slade M.

    Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey.

    The lancet. Psychiatry . 10(10): 768-779. Nº de cites: 7


  • Vilamala S, Puig M, Ochoa S, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Hernández A, JOAQUIM BALSERA GÓMEZ, Verdaguer M, Villellas R, Arenas O and García-Franco M.

    Assessment of the treatment needs of community recovery Services in Spain: From the perspective of service users, families, and mental health professionals.

    HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY . 30(6): 5819-5830.


  • Escandell MJ, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Ochoa S, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Verdaguer M and Casas E.

    Clinical symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia.

    revista de psiquiatria y salud mental . 15(4): 251-258.


  • Escandell MJ, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Ochoa S, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Verdaguer M and Casas E.

    Clinical symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia.

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 15(4): 251-258. Nº de cites: 1


  • González RP, Tortadès I, Alpiste F, Fernandez J, Torner J, García-Franco M, Martin-Martínez JR, Vilamala S, Escandell MJ, Casas E, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ and Ochoa S.

    Usability of a Psychotherapeutic Interactive Gaming Tool Used in Facial Emotion Recognition for People with Schizophrenia.

    Journal of Personalized Medicine . 11(3): 214.


  • GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, Escandell MJ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Calderón M, Torras R, Ochoa S and Casas E.

    Gender differences in social functioning in people with schizophrenia in psychosocial rehabilitation services using one-dimensional and multidimensional instruments.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 87: 120-122. Nº de cites: 9


  • Ochoa S, Martínez-Zambrano F, Vila R, Arenas O, Casas-Anguera E, García-Morales E, Villellas R, Martín JR, Pérez-Franco MB, Valduciel T, García-Franco M, Miguel J, Balsera J, Pascual G, Julia E, Casellas D and Haro JM.

    Spanish validation of the social stigma scale: Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness.

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 9(3): 150-157. Nº de cites: 29


  • Vila R, Martínez-Zambrano F, Arenas O, Casas E, García-Morales E, Villellas R, Martín JR, Pérez-Franco MB, Valduciel T, Casellas D, García-Franco M, Miguel J, Balsera J, Pascual G, Julia E and Ochoa S.

    Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing social stigma towards mental illness in adolescents.

    World Journal of Psychiatry . 6(2): 239-247. Nº de cites: 14


  • Ochoa S, Martínez-Zambrano F, García-Franco M, Vilamala S, Ribas M, Arenas O, Garcia-Morales E, Álvarez I, Escartin G, Villellas R, Escandell MJ, Martínez-Raves M, López-Arias E, Cunyat C and Haro JM.

    Development and validation of the Self-Stigma Questionnaire (SSQ) for people with schizophrenia and its relation to social functioning.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 62: 93-99. Nº de cites: 16


  • Prat G, Casas E, García-Franco M, Escandell MJ, Martin JR, Vilamala S, Villalta-Gil V, Gimenez-Salinas J, Hernández-Rambla C and Ochoa S.

    Validation of the Communication Skills Questionnaire (CSQ) in people with schizophrenia.

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 220(1-2): 646-653. Nº de cites: 2
