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  • Cabrerizo M, Tarragó D, Munoz-Almagro C, Del Amo E, Domínguez-Gil M, Eiros JM, López-Miragaya I, Pérez C, Reina J, Otero A, González I, Echevarría JE and Trallero G.

    Molecular epidemiology of enterovirus 71, coxsackievirus AI6 and A6 associated with hand, foot and mouth disease in Spain

    CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 20(3): 150-156. Nº de cites: 111


  • Molero M, Fernández-Ureña S, Jordán-García I, Serrano M, Ormazabal-Herrero A, Garcia-Cazorla A and Artuch-Iriberri R.

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Neopterin Analysis in Neuropediatric Patients: Establishment of a New Cut Off-Value for the Identification of Inflammatory-Immune Mediated Processes

    PLoS One . 8(12): . Nº de cites: 23


  • Berrueco R, Antón A, Rives-Solà S, Català-Temprano A, Toll T, Ruiz-Llobet A, Camós-Guijosa M, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Estella J and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Multiplex real-time PCR for prompt diagnosis of an outbreak of human parainfluenza 3 virus in children with acute leukemia

    Infection . 41(6): 1171-1175. Nº de cites: 7


  • Selva L, Benmessaoud R, Miguel Lanaspa Pérez, Jroundi I, Moraleda C, Acacio S, Iñigo M, Bastiani A, Monsonis M, Pallares R, Bassat Q and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae Type B by Real-Time PCR from Dried Blood Spot Samples among Children with Pneumonia: A Useful Approach for Developing Countries

    PLoS One . 8(10): . Nº de cites: 18


  • Feikin DR, Kagucia EW, Loo JD, Link-Gelles R, Puhan MA, Cherian T, Levine OS, Whitney CG, O'Brien KL and Moore MR.

    Serotype-Specific Changes in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease after Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction: A Pooled Analysis of Multiple Surveillance Sites

    PLOS MEDICINE . 10(9): . Nº de cites: 357


  • Ricart S, García-García JJ, Anton A, Pumarola T, Pons-Odena M, Munoz-Almagro C and Marcos MA.


    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 32(9): 1032-1034. Nº de cites: 8


  • Blanchette-Cain K, Hinojosa CA, Akula Suresh Babu R, Lizcano A, Gonzalez-Juarbe N, Munoz-Almagro C, Sanchez CJ, Bergman MA and Orihuela CJ.

    Streptococcus pneumoniae Biofilm Formation Is Strain Dependent, Multifactorial, and Associated with Reduced Invasiveness and Immunoreactivity during Colonization

    Mbio . 4(5): . Nº de cites: 102


  • Ricart S, Marcos MA, Sarda M, Anton A, Munoz-Almagro C, Pumarola T, Pons-Odena M and García-García JJ.

    Clinical risk factors are more relevant than respiratory viruses in predicting bronchiolitis severity

    PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY . 48(5): 456-463. Nº de cites: 61


  • Munoz-Almagro C, Navarro-Torne A and Pallares R.

    Epidemiologic and Clinical Implications of Second-Generation Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines

    CURRENT INFECTIOUS DISEASE REPORTS . 15(2): 184-190. Nº de cites: 5


  • Gene-Giralt A, Amo ED, Iñigo M, Monsonis M, Pallares R and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Pneumococcal Serotypes Causing Acute Otitis Media Among Children in Barcelona (1992-2011): Emergence of the Multiresistant Clone ST320 of Serotype 19A

    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 32(4): 128-133. Nº de cites: 17
