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  • Fernández VA, Almeida-Toledano L, Pizarro Lozano N, Tapia EN, Gómez-Roig MD, De la Torre Fornell R and García Algar Ó.

    Bioavailability of Epigallocatechin Gallate Administered with Different Nutritional Strategies in Healthy Volunteers

    ANTIOXIDANTS . 9(5): . Nº de cites: 52


  • Mesa MD, Loureiro B, Iglesia I, Fernandez Gonzalez S, Llurba Olivé E, García Algar O, Solana MJ, Cabero Perez MJ, Sainz T, Martinez L, Escuder-Vieco D, Parra-Llorca A, Sánchez-Campillo M, Rodriguez Martinez G, Gómez-Roig MD, Perez Gruz M, Andreu-Fernández V, Clotet J, Sailer S, Iglesias-Platas I, López-Herce J, Aras R, Pallás-Alonso C, de Pipaon MS, Vento M, Gormaz M, Larqué Daza E, Calvo C and Cabañas F.

    The Evolving Microbiome from Pregnancy to Early Infancy: A Comprehensive Review

    Nutrients . 12(1): 133. Nº de cites: 94


  • Miranda-García M, Domingo Gómez C, Molinet-Coll C, Nishishinya B, Allaoui I, Gómez-Roig MD and Goberna-Tricas J.

    Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Pregnant Women with Noncephalic Presentation: An Overview of Systematic Reviews



  • Fernandez-Gonzalez S, Martínez E, Martínez-Cumplido R, Molinet Coll C, Ojeda González F, Gómez-Roig MD and Amat Tardiu L.

    Reducing postoperative catheterisation after anterior colporrhaphy from 48 to 24 h: a randomised controlled trial

    INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL . 30(11): 1897-1902. Nº de cites: 8


  • Mazarico-Gallego E, Llurba E, Cabero L, Sanchez O, Valls-Lafon A, Martín-Ancel A, Cardenas D and Gómez-Roig MD.

    Associations between neural injury markers of intrauterine growth-restricted infants and neurodevelopment at 2 years of age

    JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE . 32(19): 3197-3203. Nº de cites: 12


  • Ribera I, Ruiz A, Sánchez O, Eixarch E, Antolín E, Gómez-Montes E, Pérez-Cruz M, Cruz-Lemini M, Sanz-Cortés M, Arévalo S, Ferrer Q, Vázquez E, Vega L, Dolader P, Montoliu A, Boix H, Simões RV, Masoller-Casas N, Sanchez deToledo J, Comas M, Bartha JM, Galindo A, Martínez JM, Gómez-Roig MD, Crispi F, Gómez-Domínguez O, Carreras E, Cabero L, Gratacós E and Llurba E.

    Multicenter prospective clinical study to evaluate children short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in congenital heart disease (children NEURO-HEART): study protocol

    BMC PEDIATRICS . 19(1): 326-326. Nº de cites: 7


  • Sebastiani G, Herranz Barbero A, Borrás-Novell C, Alsina-Casanova M, Aldecoa-Bilbao V, Andreu-Fernández V, Pascual Tutusaus M, Ferrero-Martinez SI, Gómez-Roig MD and García-Algar O.

    The Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diet during Pregnancy on the Health of Mothers and Offspring

    Nutrients . 11(3): . Nº de cites: 139


  • Fernández Arias M, Mazarico-Gallego E, Gonzalez A, Muniesa M, Molinet C, Almeida-Toledano L and Gómez-Roig MD.

    Genetic risk assessment of thrombophilia in patients with adverse obstetric outcomes

    PLoS One . 14(2): . Nº de cites: 3


  • Ribas-Prats T, Almeida-Toledano L, Costa-Faidella J, Plana M, Corral MJ, Gómez-Roig MD and Escera C.

    The frequency-following response (FFR) to speech stimuli: A normative dataset in healthy newborns

    HEARING RESEARCH . 371: 28-39. Nº de cites: 29


  • Mazarico-Gallego E, Peguero A, Camprubí-Camprubí M, Rovira-Zurriaga C, Gómez-Roig MD, Oros D, Ibáñez-Burillo P, Schoorlemmer J, Masoller-Casas N, Tàssies MD and Figueras-Retuerta F.

    Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial: treatment of early intrauterine growth restriction with low molecular weight heparin (TRACIP)

    BMJ Open . 8(10): . Nº de cites: 2
