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  • Martin-Serrano J, Castellano JJ, Marrades RM, Canals J, Viñolas N, Díaz T, Molins L, Martinez D, Han B, Moisés J, He Y, Monzó M and Navarro A.

    Role of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition-related circular RNA, circ-10720, in non-small-cell lung cancer.

    Translational Lung Cancer Research . 10(4): 1804-1818. Nº de citas: 14


  • Moisés J, Navarro A, Castellano JJ, Viñolas N, Molins L, Canals J, Han B, Martin-Serrano J, Ramirez J, Frigola G, Marrades RM and Monzó M.

    Long Non-Coding RNA NANCI/NKX2-1 Duplex Impacts Prognosis in Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.

    ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA . 56(10): 630-636. Nº de citas: 3
