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  • Quintillá-Martínez JM, de la Gala C, Berrueco R, Claverol J, Figueres B, Bergós A, Rodríguez L, Mora A, DiBiaso V, Llanos C and Nafria-Escalera B.

    High-Fidelity Clinical Simulation to Improve a Pediatric Clinical Trial Design: Lessons Learned and Conceptualization of the Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Engagement (ROE) Analysis

    PEDIATRIC DRUGS . 27(1): 73-84.


  • Candela-Cantó SA, Alamar M, Aláez C, Muchart-Lopez J, Forero C, de la Gala C, Munuera-del Cerro JL, Serrano S, Quintillá-Martínez JM and Hinojosa J.

    Highly realistic simulation for robot-assisted hypothalamic hamartoma real-time MRI-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT)

    CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM . 36(6): 1131-1142. Nº de cites: 9


  • Duque P, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Varela JA, Garrido P, Valencia Ó and Maestre JM.

    Emotional response to a high-fidelity trauma simulation: An observational study.



  • Giménez Roca C, Martínez-Sánchez L, Calzada Baños Y, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Quintillá-Martínez JM and Luaces-Cubells C.

    Assessment of quality indicators in pediatric poisoning in an emergency; service

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 80(1): 34-40. Nº de cites: 6


  • Panzino F, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Luaces-Cubells C and Pou Fernández J.

    Unintentional drowning by immersion. Epidemiological profile of victims attended in 21 Spanish emergency departments

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 78(3): 178-184. Nº de cites: 15


  • Martinez Sanchez, Lidia, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Molina Hermoso, Esther, Castanyer i Puig, Tomeu, Barcelo Martin, Bernardi, Valls-Lafon A, Luaces-Cubells C and Soc Espanola Urgencias Pediat.

    Utility of pediatric urinalysis to screen for paracetamol intake: a preliminary study

    EMERGENCIAS . 24(5): 372-375. Nº de cites: 3

  • Rodríguez-Guerineau L, Martínez Sánchez L, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Vila Miravet V and Luaces-Cubells C.

    Caustic ingestion: local situation and review of updated recommendations

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 75(5): 334-340.


  • Escribá A, Gamell AM, Fernández Y, Quintillá-Martínez JM and Luaces-Cubells C.

    Prospective Validation of Two Systems of Classification for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis

    PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE . 27(3): 165-169. Nº de cites: 58


  • Ramon-Krauel M, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Concheiro-Guisan A, Sanz Marcos N, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Gene-Giralt A and Fasheh, W.

    Mastoïditis aguda: estudi clínic i microbiològic de 116 casos

    Pediatría Catalana . 68(2): 48-52.

  • Domingo, A, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Fasheh, WY, Quintillá-Martínez JM, Caritg Bosch J and Luaces-Cubells C.

    Bronquiolitis: factors predictius de la durada de l'ingrés hospitalari.

    Pediatría Catalana . 65(2): 77-81.