Publicacions dels grups de recerca: Juliol, Agost i Setembre 2018
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Àrea: Neurociències pediàtriques
Fenilcetonuria i altres defectes genètics del metabolisme
Tonduti D, Panteghini C, Pichiecchio A, Decio A, Carecchio M, Reale C, et al. Encephalopathies with intracranial calcification in children: clinical and genetic characterization. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2018. 13: 135-0. FI: 3,478(Q2)
Metabolisme energètic mitocondrial
Cortés-Saladelafont E, Molero M, Cuadras-Palleja D, Casado M, Armstrong-Moron J, Yubero-Siles D, et al. Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol 2018. 60: 780-792. FI: 3,116(Q1)
Malalties neurometabòliques d'expressió en el Sistema Nerviós Central
Cortés-Saladelafont E, Molero M, Cuadras-Palleja D, Casado M, Armstrong-Moron J, Yubero-Siles D, et al. Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol 2018. 60: 780-792. FI: 3,116(Q1)
Posset R, Garcia-Cazorla A, Valayannopoulos V, Leao Teles E, Dionisi-Vici C, Brassier A, et al. Age at disease onset and peak ammonium level rather than interventional variables predict the neurological outcome in urea cycle disorders (vol 39, pg 661, 2016). J Inherit Metab Dis 2018. 41: 743-744. FI: 3,970(Q1)
Tonduti D, Panteghini C, Pichiecchio A, Decio A, Carecchio M, Reale C, et al. Encephalopathies with intracranial calcification in children: clinical and genetic characterization. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2018. 13: 135-0. FI: 3,478(Q2)
Trastorns del moviment d'origen genètic i neurometabòlic
Armangue-Salvador T, Spatola M, Vlagea A, Mattozzi S, Cárceles-Cordon M, Martinez-Heras E, et al. Frequency, symptoms, risk factors, and outcomes of autoimmune encephalitis after herpes simplex encephalitis: a prospective observational study and retrospective analysis. Lancet Neurol 2018. 17: 760-772. FI: 26,284(Q1)
Tonduti D, Panteghini C, Pichiecchio A, Decio A, Carecchio M, Reale C, et al. Encephalopathies with intracranial calcification in children: clinical and genetic characterization. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2018. 13: 135-0. FI: 3,478(Q2)
Neurogenètica i medicina molecular
Casas-Alba D, Fernández-López A, Gean Molins E, Suero-Toledano P and Martinez-Monseny T. Seudoacondroplasia: descripción de un caso de novo y otro familiar. An Pediatr (Barc) 2018. 89: 60-61. FI: 1,140(Q3)
Cortés-Saladelafont E, Molero M, Cuadras-Palleja D, Casado M, Armstrong-Moron J, Yubero-Siles D, et al. Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol 2018. 60: 780-792. FI: 3,116(Q1)
Palau-Martínez F and Garcia-Alix A. Genoma humano y medicina. An Pediatr (Barc) 2018. 89: 1-2. FI: 1,140(Q3)
Àrea: Biologia molecular i cel·lular dels tumors del desenvolupament
Farmacologia preclínica i alliberament de fàrmacs en tumors
Botteri G, Salvadó L, Gumà A, Lee Hamilton D, Meakin PJ, Montagut G, et al. The BACE1 product sAPPß induces ER stress and inflammation and impairs insulin signaling. METABOLISM 2018. 85: 59-75. FI: 5,777(Q1)
Deng MY, Sill M, Chiang J, Schittenhelm J, Ebinger M, Schuhmann MU, et al. Molecularly defined diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor (DLGNT) comprises two subgroups with distinct clinical and genetic features. Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 239-253. FI: 12,213(Q1)
García-Domínguez DJ, Hontecillas-Prieto L, Rodríguez-Núñez P, Pascual-Pastó G, Vilà-Ubach M, García-Mejías R, et al. The combination of epigenetic drugs SAHA and HCI-2509 synergistically inhibits EWS-FLI1 and tumor growth in Ewing sarcoma. Oncotarget 2018. 9: 31397-31410. FI: 5,168(Q1)
Kim H, Calatayud Aristoy C, Guha S, Fernández-Carasa I, Berkowitz L, Carballo-Carbajal I, et al. The Small GTPase RAC1/CED-10 Is Essential in Maintaining Dopaminergic Neuron Function and Survival Against a-Synuclein-Induced Toxicity. Mol Neurobiol 2018. 55: 7533-7552. FI: 6,190(Q1)
Vinci M, Burford A, Molinari V, Kessler K, Popov S, Clarke M, et al. Functional diversity and cooperativity between subclonal populations of pediatric glioblastoma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cells. Nat Med 2018. 24: 1204-1215. FI: 29,886(Q1)
Leucèmia i hemopaties no malignes
Vega-García N, Malatesta R, Estella-Aguado MC, Pérez-Jaume S, Esperanza-Cebollada E, et al. Paediatric patients with acute leukaemia and KMT2A (MLL) rearrangement show a distinctive expression pattern of histone deacetylases. Br J Haematol 2018. 182: 542-553. FI: 5,670(Q1)
Neuroblastoma i medicina personalitzada
Vinci M, Burford A, Molinari V, Kessler K, Popov S, Clarke M, et al. Functional diversity and cooperativity between subclonal populations of pediatric glioblastoma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cells. Nat Med 2018. 24: 1204-1215. FI: 29,886(Q1)
Sarcomes i Histiocitosis
Capper D, Engel NW, Stichel D, Lechner M, Glöss S, Schmid S, et al. DNA methylation-based reclassification of olfactory neuroblastoma (vol 136, pg 255, 2018). Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 505-0. FI: 12,213(Q1)
Capper D, Engel NW, Stichel D, Lechner M, Glöss S, Schmid S, et al. DNA methylation-based reclassification of olfactory neuroblastoma. Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 255-271. FI: 12,213(Q1)
Cavalli FMG, Hübner JM, Sharma T, Luu B, Sill M, Zapotocky M, et al. Heterogeneity within the PF-EPN-B ependymoma subgroup. Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 227-237. FI: 12,213(Q1)
Deng MY, Sill M, Chiang J, Schittenhelm J, Ebinger M, Schuhmann MU, et al. Molecularly defined diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor (DLGNT) comprises two subgroups with distinct clinical and genetic features. Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 239-253. FI: 12,213(Q1)
García-Domínguez DJ, Hontecillas-Prieto L, Rodríguez-Núñez P, Pascual-Pastó G, Vilà-Ubach M, García-Mejías R, et al. The combination of epigenetic drugs SAHA and HCI-2509 synergistically inhibits EWS-FLI1 and tumor growth in Ewing sarcoma. Oncotarget 2018. 9: 31397-31410. FI: 5,168(Q1)
Garcia-Monclus S, Lopez-Alemany R, Almacellas-Rabaiget O, Herrero-Martin D, Huertas-Martinez J, Lagares-Te L, et al. EphA2 receptor is a key player in the metastatic onset of Ewing sarcoma. Int J Cancer 2018. 143: 1188-1201. FI: 6,513(Q1)
Koelsche C, Mynarek M, Schrimpf D, Bertero L, Serrano J, Sahm F, et al. Primary intracranial spindle cell sarcoma with rhabdomyosarcoma-like features share a highly distinct methylation profile and DICER1 mutations. Acta Neuropathol 2018. 136: 327-337. FI: 12,213(Q1).
Pishas KI, Drenberg CD, Taslim C, Theisen ER, Johnson KM, Saund RS, et al. Therapeutic Targeting of KDM1A/LSD1 in Ewing Sarcoma with SP-2509 Engages the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response. Mol Cancer Ther 2018. 17: 1902-1916. FI: 5,764(Q1)
Vega-García N, Malatesta R, Estella-Aguado MC, Pérez-Jaume S, Esperanza-Cebollada E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, et al. Paediatric patients with acute leukaemia and KMT2A (MLL) rearrangement show a distinctive expression pattern of histone deacetylases. Br J Haematol 2018. 182: 542-553. FI: 5,670(Q1)
Vinci M, Burford A, Molinari V, Kessler K, Popov S, Clarke M, et al. Functional diversity and cooperativity between subclonal populations of pediatric glioblastoma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cells. Nat Med 2018. 24: 1204-1215. FI: 29,886(Q1)
Genòmica traslacional
Lin X, Torrabadella M, Amat Tardiu L, Gomez-Gonzalez S, Azqueta C, Sánchez M, et al. Estimated fetal weight percentile as a tool to predict collection of cord blood units with higher cellular content: implications for prenatal selection of cord blood donors. Transfusion 2018. 58: 1732-1738. FI: 3,386(Q2)
Àrea: Malalties pediàtriques amb inici en etapes primerenques de la vida
Díaz-Silva M, Gallego-Escuredo JM, López-Bermejo A, de Zegher F, Villarroya F and Ibañez-Toda L. Low-Dose Spironolactone-Pioglitazone-Metformin Normalizes Circulating Fetuin-A Concentrations in Adolescent Girls with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. International Journal of Endocrinology 2018. 2018: 4192940-0. FI: 2,510(Q3)
Sebastiani G, Borrás-Novell C, Casanova MA, Pascual Tutusaus M, Ferrero Martínez S, Gómez-Roig MD and García-Algar O. The Effects of Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse on Maternal Nutritional Profile during Pregnancy. Nutrients 2018. FI: 3,550(Q2)
Fisiopatologia neonatal
Arnaez-Solis J, Garcia-Alix A, Arca-Diaz G, Valverde E, Caserío S, Moral MT, et al. Incidencia de la encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica e implementación de la hipotermia terapéutica por regiones en España. An Pediatr (Barc) 2018. 89: 12-23. FI: 1,140(Q3)
Palau-Martínez F and Garcia-Alix A. Genoma humano y medicina. An Pediatr (Barc) 2018. 89: 1-2. FI: 1,140(Q3)
Solé A, Jordán-García I, Bobillo-Perez S, Moreno-Hernando J, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Hernández-Platero L, et al. Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for neonatal and pediatric refractory septic shock: more than 15 years of learning. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1191-1200. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Àrea: Malalties infeccioses i immunes en pediatria
Malalties prevenibles amb vacunes
Bosch-Alcaraz A, Falcó Pegueroles A and Jordán-García I. A literature review of comfort in the paediatric critical care patient. J Clin Nurs 2018. 27: 2546-2557. FI: 1,214(Q2)
Casas-Alba D, Fernández-López A, Gean Molins E, Suero-Toledano P and Martinez-Monseny T. Seudoacondroplasia: descripción de un caso de novo y otro familiar. An Pediatr (Barc) 2018. 89: 60-61. FI: 1,140(Q3)
Hernández-Bou S and Bacteraemia Study Working Group of the Infectious Diseases Working Group of the. Occult bacteremia etiology following the introduction of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: a multicenter study in Spain. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018. 37: 1449-1455. FI: 2,727(Q2)
Hernández-Bou S, Gómez B, Mintegi S, García-García JJ and Bacteraemia Study Working Group of the Infectious Diseases Working Group of the. Correction to: Occult bacteremia etiology following the introduction of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: a multicenter study in Spain. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018. 37: 1457-0. FI: 2,727(Q2)
Hurtado MM, Triviño-Rodríguez M, Panadero MA, Arnedo M and Tudela P. Comparing adaptation in emotional and non-emotional conflict in patients with schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. Neuropsychologia 2018. 117: 558-565. FI: 3,197(Q1)
Richarz NA, Fustà-Novell X, Fatsini-Blanch V, Fortuny-Guasch C, González-Enseñat MA and Vicente-Villa MA. Lichen striatus following scarlet fever in a 3-year-old female patient. Int J Dermatol 2018. 57: 1118-1119. FI: 1,560(Q3)
Solé A, Jordán-García I, Bobillo-Perez S, Moreno-Hernando J, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Hernández-Platero L, et al. Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for neonatal and pediatric refractory septic shock: more than 15 years of learning. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1191-1200. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Velasco-Arnaiz E, Pérez E, Henares-Bonilla D, Fernández-López A, Valls-Lafon A, Brotons-de los Reyes P, et al. Use of procalcitonin in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in infants and preschool children. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1377-1381. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Infeccions de transmissió vertical i infeccions en pacients vulnerables
Richarz NA, Fustà-Novell X, Fatsini-Blanch V, Fortuny-Guasch C, González-Enseñat MA and Vicente-Villa MA. Lichen striatus following scarlet fever in a 3-year-old female patient. Int J Dermatol 2018. 57: 1118-1119. FI: 1,560(Q3)
Velasco-Arnaiz E, Pérez E, Henares-Bonilla D, Fernández-López A, Valls-Lafon A, Brotons-de los Reyes P, et al. Use of procalcitonin in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in infants and preschool children. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1377-1381. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Esteve-Sole A, Sánchez-Dávila SP, Deyà-Martinez A, Freeman AF, Zelazny AM, Dekker JP, et al. Severe BCG-osis Misdiagnosed as Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in an IL-12R beta 1-Deficient Peruvian Girl. J Clin Immunol 2018. 38: 712-716. FI: 3,253(Q2)
Guix-Comellas EM, Rozas L, Velasco-Arnaiz E, Ferrés-Canals A, Estrada-Masllorens JM, Force-Sanmartín E, et al. Impact of nursing interventions on adherence to treatment with antituberculosis drugs in children and young people: A nonrandomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs 2018. 74: 1819-1830. FI: 1,998(Q1)
Velasco-Arnaiz E, Pérez E, Henares-Bonilla D, Fernández-López A, Valls-Lafon A, Brotons-de los Reyes P, et al. Use of procalcitonin in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in infants and preschool children. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1377-1381. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Resposta inflamatòria sistèmica en pediatria
Armangue-Salvador T, Spatola M, Vlagea A, Mattozzi S, Cárceles-Cordon M, Martinez-Heras E, et al. Frequency, symptoms, risk factors, and outcomes of autoimmune encephalitis after herpes simplex encephalitis: a prospective observational study and retrospective analysis. Lancet Neurol 2018. 17: 760-772. FI: 26,284(Q1)
Arthur VL, Shuldiner E, Remmers EF, Hinks A, Grom AA, Foell D, et al. IL1RN Variation Influences Both Disease Susceptibility and Response to Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Therapy in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol 2018. 70: 1319-1330. FI: 6,918(Q1)
Brunner HI, Tzaribachev N, Vega-Cornejo G, Louw I, Berman A, Penadés IC, et al. Subcutaneous Abatacept in Patients With Polyarticular-Course Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Results From a Phase III Open-Label Study. Arthritis Rheumatol 2018. 70: 1144-1154. FI: 6,918(Q1)
Constantin T, Foeldvari I, Anton-Lopez J, de Boer J, Czitrom-Guillaume S, Edelsten C, et al. Consensus-based recommendations for the management of uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: the SHARE initiative. Ann Rheum Dis 2018. 77: 1107-1117. FI: 12,811(Q1)
Esteve-Sole A, Sánchez-Dávila SP, Deyà-Martinez A, Freeman AF, Zelazny AM, Dekker JP, et al. Severe BCG-osis Misdiagnosed as Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in an IL-12R beta 1-Deficient Peruvian Girl. J Clin Immunol 2018. 38: 712-716. FI: 3,253(Q2)
Girschick H, Finetti M, Orlando F, Schalm S, Insalaco A, Ganser G, et al. The multifaceted presentation of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: a series of 486 cases from the Eurofever international registry. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018. 57: 1203-1211. FI: 4,818(Q1)
Girschick H, Finetti M, Orlando F, Schalm S, Insalaco A, Ganser G, et al The multifaceted presentation of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: a series of 486 cases from the Eurofever international registry (vol 57, pg 1203, 2018). Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018. 57: 1504-0. FI: 4,818(Q1)
Koné-Paut I, Cimaz R, Herberg J, Bates O, Carbasse A, Saulnier JP, et al. The use of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (anakinra) in Kawasaki disease: A retrospective cases series. Autoimmun Rev 2018. 17: 768-774. FI: 8,961(Q1)
Vanoni F, Caorsi R, Aeby S, Cochard M, Anton-Lopez J, Berg S, et al. Towards a new set of classification criteria for PFAPA syndrome. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 2018. 16: 60-0. FI: 2,283(Q2)
Wang L, Rosé CD, Foley KP, Anton-Lopez J, Bader-Meunier B, Brissaud P, et al. S100A12 and S100A8/9 proteins are biomarkers of articular disease activity in Blau syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018. 57: 1299-1304. FI: 4,818(Q1)
Àrea: Malalties fetals/pediàtiques i medi ambient
Investigació en cures intensives pediàtriques
Bosch-Alcaraz A, Falcó Pegueroles A and Jordán-García I. A literature review of comfort in the paediatric critical care patient. J Clin Nurs 2018. 27: 2546-2557. FI: 1,214(Q2)
Mayordomo-Colunga J, Pons-Odena M, Medina A, Rey C, Milesi C, Kallio M, et al. Non-invasive ventilation practices in children across Europe. Pediatr Pulmonol 2018. 53: 1107-1114. FI: 2,758(Q1)
Solé A, Jordán-García I, Bobillo-Perez S, Moreno-Hernando J, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Hernández-Platero L, et al. Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for neonatal and pediatric refractory septic shock: more than 15 years of learning. Eur J Pediatr 2018. 177: 1191-1200. FI: 1,921(Q2)
Influència de l'entorn en el benestar del nen i l'adolescent
Benito J, Luaces-Cubells C, Mintegi S, Manrique Martínez I, De la Torre Espí M, Miguez Navarro C, et al. Evaluation and Impact of the Advanced Pediatric Life Support Course in the Care of Pediatric Emergencies in Spain. Pediatr Emerg Care 2018. 34: 628-632. FI: 1,034(Q3)
Entorn fetal i complicacions obstètriques
Caradeux J, Eixarch E, Mazarico-Gallego E, Basuki TR, Gratacós E and Figueras-Retuerta F. Longitudinal growth assessment for prediction of adverse perinatal outcome in fetuses suspected to be small-for-gestational age. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018. 52: 325-331. FI: 4,710(Q1)
Lin X, Torrabadella M, Amat Tardiu L, Gomez-Gonzalez S, Azqueta C, Sánchez M, et al. Estimated fetal weight percentile as a tool to predict collection of cord blood units with higher cellular content: implications for prenatal selection of cord blood donors. Transfusion 2018. 58: 1732-1738. FI: 3,386(Q2)
Miranda J, Simões RV, Paules C, Cañueto D, Pardo-Cea MA, García-Martín ML, et al. Metabolic profiling and targeted lipidomics reveals a disturbed lipid profile in mothers and fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction. Sci Rep 2018. 8: 13614-0. FI: 4,259(Q1)
Arritmies pediàtriques, mort sobtada i genètica cardiovascular
Brugada-Terradellas J, Campuzano O, Arbelo E, Sarquella-Brugada G and Brugada-Terradellas J. Present Status of Brugada Syndrome JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018. 72: 1046-1059. FI: 19,896(Q1)
Mates J, Mademont-Soler I, Del Olmo B, Ferrer-Costa C, Coll M, Pérez-Serra A, et al. Role of copy number variants in sudden cardiac death and related diseases: genetic analysis and translation into clinical practice. Eur J Hum Genet 2018. 26: 1014-1025. FI: 4,287(Q1)
Michowitz Y, Milman A, Sarquella-Brugada G, Andorin A, Champagne J, Postema PG, et al. Fever-related arrhythmic events in the multicenter Survey on Arrhythmic Events in Brugada Syndrome. Heart Rhythm 2018. 15: 1394-1401. FI: 4,825(Q1)
Àrea: Salut mental
Bases clíniques, cognitives i psicosocials dels trastorns mentals severs
Alonso-Solís A, Rubinstein K, Corripio I, Jaaskelainen E, Seppälä A, Vella VA, et al. Mobile therapeutic attention for treatment-resistant schizophrenia (m-RESIST): a prospective multicentre feasibility study protocol in patients and their caregivers. BMJ Open 2018. FI: 2,369(Q1)
Intervencions en salut mental
Soria V, González-Rodríguez A, Huerta-Ramos ME, Usall J, Cobo J, Bioque M, et al. Targeting hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones and sex steroids for improving cognition in major mood disorders and schizophrenia: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018. 93: 8-19. FI: 4,788(Q1)
Alonso-Solís A, Rubinstein K, Corripio I, Jaaskelainen E, Seppälä A, Vella VA, et al. Mobile therapeutic attention for treatment-resistant schizophrenia (m-RESIST): a prospective multicentre feasibility study protocol in patients and their caregivers. BMJ Open 2018. FI: 2,369(Q1)
Trastorns mentals en la infància i l’adolescència
Sánchez Fernández B, Sansevere AJ, Gaínza-Lein M, Kapur K and Loddenkemper T. Machine Learning for Outcome Prediction in Electroencephalograph (EEG)-Monitored Children in the Intensive Care Unit. J Child Neurol 2018. 33: 546-553. FI: 1,378(Q3)
Vintró-Alcaraz C, Mestre-Bach G, Steward T, Lozano-Madrid M, Agüera Z, Jiménez-Murcia S, et al. Validation of the Caregiver Skills (CASK) scale in Catalonia: Concordance between caregivers in attitudes and behaviours. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2018. 26: 329-336. FI: 3,391(Q1)
Vega D, Sintes A, Fernández M, Puntí J, Soler J, Santamarina P, et al. Review and update on non-suicidal self-injury: who, how and why?. Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2018. 46: 146-155. FI: 1,339(Q3)
Romero-Rivas C, FATIMA VERA CONSTAN, Sara Rodriguez Cuadrado, Puigcerver L, Irune Fernandez Prieto and Navarra J. Seeing music: The perception of melodic 'ups and downs' modulates the spatial processing of visual stimuli. Neuropsychologia 2018. 117: 67-74. FI: 3,197(Q1)
Intervencions innovadores en fibromialgia
Trujols J, de Diego-Adeliño J, Feliu-Soler A, Iraurgi I, Puigdemont D, Álvarez E, et al. Looking into the effect of multi-item symptom domains on psychometric characteristics of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self Report (QIDS-SR 16 ). Psychiatry Res 2018. 267: 126-130. FI: 2,528(Q2)
Iglesias Gonzalez M, Aznar-Lou I, Peñarrubia-María MT, Gil Gribau M, Fernández-Vergel R, Alonso J, et al. Effectiveness of watchful waiting versus antidepressants for patients diagnosed of mild to moderate depression in primary care: A 12-month pragmatic clinical trial (INFAP study). Eur Psychiatry 2018. 53: 66-73. FI: 3,123(Q2)
Psiquiatria molecular
Lores L, Monje A, Bergada Salvado M, Arellano E, Rodriguez-Larrea J and Miravitlles M. Prevalence of smoking in a psychiatric hospital and its relationship with respiratory symptoms and the prevalence of COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2018. 13: 2797-2804. FI: 3,157(Q2)
Àrea: Epidemiologia i Atenció Sanitària
Epidemiologia de l’envelliment
Evans-Lacko S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Benjet C, Bruffaerts Ret al. Socio-economic variations in the mental health treatment gap for people with anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders: results from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. Psychol Med 2018. 48: 1560-1571. FI: 5,230(Q1)
Karcher H, Fu S, Meng J, Ankarfeldt MZ, Efthimiou O, Belger M, et al. The RCT augmentation: a novel simulation method to add patient heterogeneity into phase III trials. BMC Med Res Methodol 2018. 18: 75-0. FI: 3,295(Q1)
Kotsakis GA, Chrepa V, Shivappa N, Wirth M, Hébert J, Koyanagi A and Tyrovolas S. Diet-borne systemic inflammation is associated with prevalent tooth loss. Clin Nutr 2018. 37: 1306-1312. FI: 4,548(Q1)
Olaya B, Moneta MV, Domènech Abella J, Miret M, Bayes I, Ayuso-Mateos JL and Haro JM. Mobility Difficulties, Physical Activity, and All-cause Mortality Risk in a Nationally representative Sample of Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2018. 73: 1272-1279. FI: 5,957(Q1)
Global Burden of Disease 2016 Injury Collaborators, Naghavi M, Marczak LB, Kutz M, Shackelford KA, Arora M, et al. Global Mortality From Firearms, 1990-2016. JAMA 2018. 320: 792-814. FI: 44,405(Q1)
Domènech Abella J, Perales J, Lara E, Moneta MV, Izquierdo A, Rico-Uribe LA, et al. Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Changes in Successful Aging in Spain: A Follow-Up Study. J AGING HEALTH 2018. 30: 1244-1262. FI: 2,168(Q2)
Haro JM, Altamura C, Corral R, Elkis H, Evans J, Krebs MO, et al. Understanding the course of persistent symptoms in schizophrenia: Longitudinal findings from the pattern study. Psychiatry Res 2018. 267: 56-62. FI: 2,528(Q2)
Raggi A, Corso B, De Torres L, Quintas R, Chatterji S, Sainio P, et al. Determinants of mobility in populations of older adults: Results from a cross-sectional study in Finland, Poland and Spain. Maturitas 2018. 115: 84-91. FI: 3,255(Q1)
Masana MF, Haro JM, Mariolis A, Piscopo S, Valacchi G, Bountziouka V, et al. Mediterranean diet and depression among older individuals: The multinational MEDIS study. Exp Gerontol 2018. 110: 67-72. FI: 3,340(Q1)
Foscolou A, Magriplis E, Tyrovolas S, Soulis G, Bountziouka V, Mariolis A, et al. Lifestyle determinants of healthy ageing in a Mediterranean population: The multinational MEDIS study. Exp Gerontol 2018. 110: 35-41. FI: 3,340(Q1)
Repousi N, Masana MF, Sánchez-Niubó A, Haro JM and Tyrovolas S. Depression and metabolic syndrome in the older population: A review of evidence. J Affect Disord 2018. 237: 56-64. FI: 3,432(Q1)
Soriano JB, Rojas-Rueda D, Alonso J, Antó JM, Cardona PJ, Fernández E, et al. The burden of disease in Spain: Results from the Global Burden of Disease 2016. Med Clin (Barc) 2018. 151: 171-190. FI: 1,125(Q3)
Huang J, Wang Y, Chen J, Zhang Y, Yuan Z, Yue L, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients with major depressive disorder treated with either duloxetine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or sertraline. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2018. 14: 2473-2484. FI: 2,154(Q2)
Impacte i prevenció dels trastorns mentals
Takemoto N, Koyanagi A, Yasuda M and Yamamoto H. Comparison of the indocyanine green dye method versus the combined method of indigo carmine blue dye with indocyanine green fluorescence imaging for sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast conservative therapy for stage =IIA breast cancer. Bmc Womens Health 2018. 18: 151-0. FI: 1,572(Q2)
Stickley A, Tachimori H, Inoue Y, Shinkai T, Yoshimura R, Nakamura J, et al. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and suicidal behavior in adult psychiatric outpatients. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2018. 72: 713-722. FI: 2,063(Q3)
Oh H, Koyanagi A, DeVylder JE and Stickley A. Seasonal Allergies and Psychiatric Disorders in the United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018. FI: 2,101(Q2)
Huang J, Wang Y, Chen J, Zhang Y, Yuan Z, Yue L, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients with major depressive disorder treated with either duloxetine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or sertraline. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2018. 14: 2473-2484. FI: 2,154(Q2)
Domènech Abella J, Perales J, Lara E, Moneta MV, Izquierdo A, Rico-Uribe LA, et al. Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Changes in Successful Aging in Spain: A Follow-Up Study. J AGING HEALTH 2018. 30: 1244-1262. FI: 2,168(Q2)
Stubbs B, Vancampfort D, Thompson T, Veronese N, Carvalho AF, Solmi M, et al. Pain and severe sleep disturbance in the general population: Primary data and meta-analysis from 240,820 people across 45 low- and middle-income countries. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2018. 53: 52-58. FI: 2,279(Q2)
Stickley A, Koyanagi A, Takahashi H, Ruchkin V, Inoue Y, Yazawa A and Kamio Y. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and happiness among adults in the general population. Psychiatry Res 2018. 265: 317-323. FI: 2,528(Q2)
Koyanagi A, Stubbs B and Vancampfort D. Correlates of sedentary behavior in the general population: A cross-sectional study using nationally representative data from six low- and middle-income countries. PLoS One 2018. FI: 2,806(Q1)
Veronese N, Koyanagi A, Solmi M, Thompson T, Maggi S, Schofield P, et al. Pain is not associated with cognitive decline in older adults: A four-year longitudinal study. Maturitas 2018. 115: 92-96. FI: 3,255(Q1)
Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Lara E, Vandenbulcke M, Swinnen N, Smith L, et al. Mild cognitive impairment and sedentary behavior: A multinational study. Exp Gerontol 2018. 108: 174-180. FI: 3,340(Q1)
Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Smith L, Hallgren M, Firth J, Herring MP, et al. Physical activity and sleep problems in 38 low- and middle-income countries. SLEEP MED 2018. 48: 140-147. FI: 3,391(Q2)
Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Mugisha J, Firth J, Schuch FB and Koyanagi A. Correlates of sedentary behavior in 2,375 people with depression from 6 low- and middle-income countries. J Affect Disord 2018. 234: 97-104. FI: 3,432(Q1)
Stubbs B, Vancampfort D, Firth J, Solmi M, Siddiqi N, Smith Let al. Association between depression and smoking: A global perspective from 48 low- and middle-income countries. J Psychiatr Res 2018. 103: 142-149. FI: 4,183(Q1)
Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Firth J, Van Damme T and Koyanagi A. Sedentary behavior and depressive symptoms among 67,077 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 30 low- and middle-income countries. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2018. 15: 73-0. FI: 4,396(Q1)
Kotsakis GA, Chrepa V, Shivappa N, Wirth M, Hébert J, Koyanagi A and Tyrovolas S. Diet-borne systemic inflammation is associated with prevalent tooth loss. Clin Nutr 2018. 37: 1306-1312. FI: 4,548(Q1)
Sharma S, Mueller C, Stewart R, Veronese N, Vancampfort D, Koyanagi A, et al. Predictors of Falls and Fractures Leading to Hospitalization in People With Dementia: A Representative Cohort Study. J AM MED DIR ASSOC 2018. 19: 607-612. FI: 5,775(Q1)
Olaya B, Moneta MV, Domènech Abella J, Miret M, Bayes I, Ayuso-Mateos JL and Haro JM. Mobility Difficulties, Physical Activity, and All-cause Mortality Risk in a Nationally representative Sample of Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2018. 73: 1272-1279. FI: 5,957(Q1)
DeVylder JE, Kelleher I, Oh H, Link BG, Yang LH and Koyanagi A. Criminal victimization and psychotic experiences: cross-sectional associations in 35 low- and middle-income countries. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2018. 138: 44-54. FI: 6,790(Q1)
Machado MO, Veronese N, Sanches M, Stubbs B, Koyanagi A, Thompson T, et al. The association of depression and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. BMC Med 2018. 16: 112-0. FI: 8,097(Q1)
DeVylder JE, Kelleher I, Lalane M, Oh H, Link BG and Koyanagi A. Association of Urbanicity With Psychosis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. JAMA Psychiatry 2018. 75: 678-686. FI: 15,307(Q1)
Tecnologies sanitàries i resultats en Atenció Primària i Salut Mental (PRISMA)
Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E, Pombo H, Pons-Vigués M, Casajuana-Closas M, Pujol-Ribera E, López-Jiménez T, et al. Complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in primary health care (EIRA study): study protocol for a hybrid trial. BMC Public Health 2018. 18: 874-0. FI: 2,265(Q2)
Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E, Pombo H, Pons-Vigués M, Casajuana-Closas M, Pujol-Ribera E, López-Jiménez T, et al. Correction to: Complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in primary health care (EIRA study): study protocol for a hybrid trial. BMC Public Health 2018. 18: 1004-0. FI: 2,265(Q2)
Maria Iglesias Gonzalez, Aznar-Lou I, Peñarrubia-María MT, Maria Montserrat Gil Gribau, Fernández-Vergel R, Alonso J, et al. Effectiveness of watchful waiting versus antidepressants for patients diagnosed of mild to moderate depression in primary care: A 12-month pragmatic clinical trial (INFAP study). Eur Psychiatry 2018. 53: 66-73. FI: 3,123(Q2)
Soriano JB, Rojas-Rueda D, Alonso J, Antó JM, Cardona PJ, Fernández E, et al. The burden of disease in Spain: Results from the Global Burden of Disease 2016. Med Clin (Barc) 2018. 151: 171-190. FI: 1,125(Q3)
Àrea: Medicina General
Investigació clínica i epidemiològica en malalties d'alta prevalença
Lores L, Monje A, Bergada Salvado M, Arellano E, Rodriguez-Larrea J and Miravitlles M. Prevalence of smoking in a psychiatric hospital and its relationship with respiratory symptoms and the prevalence of COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2018. 13: 2797-2804. FI: 3,157(Q2)
Seguretat del pacient
Bosch-Alcaraz A, Falcó Pegueroles A and Jordán-García I. A literature review of comfort in the paediatric critical care patient. J Clin Nurs 2018. 27: 2546-2557. FI: 1,214(Q2)
Altres grups d'investigació de l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Armangue-Salvador T, Spatola M, Vlagea A, Mattozzi S, Cárceles-Cordon M, Martinez-Heras E, et al. Frequency, symptoms, risk factors, and outcomes of autoimmune encephalitis after herpes simplex encephalitis: a prospective observational study and retrospective analysis. Lancet Neurol 2018. 17: 760-772. FI: 26,284(Q1)
Blazquez A, García D, Vassena R, Figueras-Retuerta F and Rodriguez A. Risk of pre-eclampsia after fresh or frozen embryo transfer in patients undergoing oocyte donation. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2018. 227: 27-31. FI: 1,666(Q3)
Blazquez A, García D, Vassena R, Figueras-Retuerta F and Rodriguez A. Risk of preeclampsia in pregnancies resulting from double gamete donation and from oocyte donation alone. Pregnancy Hypertens 2018. 13: 133-137. FI: 3,930(Q1)
Bosch-Alcaraz A, Falcó Pegueroles A and Jordán-García I. A literature review of comfort in the paediatric critical care patient. J Clin Nurs 2018. 27: 2546-2557. FI: 1,214(Q2)
Brugada-Terradellas J, Campuzano O, Arbelo E, Sarquella-Brugada G and Brugada-Terradellas J. Present Status of Brugada Syndrome JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018. 72: 1046-1059. FI: 19,896(Q1)
Caradeux J, Eixarch E, Mazarico-Gallego E, Basuki TR, Gratacós E and Figueras-Retuerta F. Longitudinal growth assessment for prediction of adverse perinatal outcome in fetuses suspected to be small-for-gestational age. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018. 52: 325-331. FI: 4,710(Q1)
Favaro MTP, Serna N, Sánchez-García L, Cubarsi R, Roldán M, Sánchez-Chardi A, et al. Switching cell penetrating and CXCR4-binding activities of nanoscale-organized arginine-rich peptides. Nanomedicine 2018. 14: 1777-1786. FI: 5,720(Q1)
Gaillard S, Malik S, Preston J, Nafria-Escalera B, Dicks P, Touil N, et al. Involving children and young people in clinical research through the forum of a European Young Persons' Advisory Group: needs and challenges. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2018. 32: 357-362. FI: 2,319(Q3)
Inarejos E, Navallas M, Tolend M, Suñol M, Josep Rubio Palau, Albert A, et al. Imaging Evaluation of Pediatric Parotid Gland Abnormalities. Radiographics 2018. 38: 1552-1575. FI: 3,427(Q1)
Kammoun M, Souche E, Brady P, Ding J, Cosemans N, Gratacós E, et al. Genetic profile of isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia revealed by targeted next-generation sequencing. Prenat Diagn 2018. 38: 654-663. FI: 2,523(Q2)
Klotz KA, Schulze-Bonhage A, San Antonio-Arce MV and Jacobs J. Cannabidiol for Treatment of Childhood Epilepsy-A Cross-Sectional Survey. FRONT NEUROL 2018. 9: 731-0. FI: 3,552(Q2)
Ledder O, Church P, Cytter-Kuint R, Martínez-León M, Sladek M, Coppenrath E, et al. A Simple Endoscopic Score Modified for the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract in Crohn's Disease [UGI-SES-CD]: A Report From the ImageKids Study. J Crohns Colitis 2018. 12: 1073-1078. FI: 5,813(Q1)
Lin X, Torrabadella M, Amat Tardiu L, Gomez-Gonzalez S, Azqueta C, Sánchez M, et al. Estimated fetal weight percentile as a tool to predict collection of cord blood units with higher cellular content: implications for prenatal selection of cord blood donors. Transfusion 2018. 58: 1732-1738. FI: 3,386(Q2)
Mates J, Mademont-Soler I, Del Olmo B, Ferrer-Costa C, Coll M, Pérez-Serra A, et al. Role of copy number variants in sudden cardiac death and related diseases: genetic analysis and translation into clinical practice. Eur J Hum Genet 2018. 26: 1014-1025. FI: 4,287(Q1)
Maya-Enero S, Candel-Pau J, Rebollo M, Candela-Cantó S, de la Torre R and López-Vílchez MÁ. Central nervous system malformation associated with methamphetamine abuse during pregnancy. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2018. 56: 795-797. FI: 3,677(Q1)
Michowitz Y, Milman A, Sarquella-Brugada G, Andorin A, Champagne J, Postema PG, et al. Fever-related arrhythmic events in the multicenter Survey on Arrhythmic Events in Brugada Syndrome. Heart Rhythm 2018. 15: 1394-1401. FI: 4,825(Q1)
Miranda J, Simões RV, Paules C, Cañueto D, Pardo-Cea MA, García-Martín ML, et al. Metabolic profiling and targeted lipidomics reveals a disturbed lipid profile in mothers and fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction. Sci Rep 2018. 8: 13614-0. FI: 4,259(Q1)
Pfaar O, Alvaro M, Cardona V, Hamelmann E, Mösges R and Kleine-Tebbe J. Clinical trials in allergen immunotherapy: current concepts and future needs. Allergy 2018. 73: 1775-1783. FI: 7,361(Q1)
Richarz NA, Fustà-Novell X, Fatsini-Blanch V, Fortuny-Guasch C, González-Enseñat MA and Vicente-Villa MA. Lichen striatus following scarlet fever in a 3-year-old female patient. Int J Dermatol 2018. 57: 1118-1119. FI: 1,560(Q3)
Tanis JC, Mohammed N, Bennasar M, Martinez JM, Bijnens B, Crispi F , et al. Online versus offline spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) M-mode for the evaluation of cardiac longitudinal annular displacement in fetal growth restriction. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2018. 31: 1845-1850. FI: 1,826(Q3)
Tortajada-Girbés M, Bousquet R, Bosque M, Carrera Martínez JJ, Ibáñez MD, Moreira A, et al. Efficacy and effectiveness of omalizumab in the treatment of childhood asthma. Expert Rev Respir Med 2018. 12: 745-754. FI: 2,432(Q3)
Turner D, Ruemmele FM, Orlanski-Meyer E, Griffiths AM, Martín-de-Carpi J, Bronsky J, et al. Management of Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis, Part 1: Ambulatory Care-An Evidence-based Guideline From European Crohn's and Colitis Organization and European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2018. 67: 257-291. FI: 2,799(Q1)
Turner D, Ruemmele FM, Orlanski-Meyer E, Griffiths AM, Martín-de-Carpi J, Bronsky J, et al. Management of Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis, Part 2: Acute Severe Colitis-An Evidence-based Consensus Guideline From the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization and the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2018. 67: 292-310. FI: 2,799(Q1)
Vega-García N, Malatesta R, Estella-Aguado MC, Pérez-Jaume S, Esperanza-Cebollada E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, et al. Paediatric patients with acute leukaemia and KMT2A (MLL) rearrangement show a distinctive expression pattern of histone deacetylases. Br J Haematol 2018. 182: 542-553. FI: 5,670(Q1)
