EU4HEALTH –Action grants 2024 first wave (HERA)

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

The EU4HEALTH Programme is the EU funding programme in the health field that aims to improve human health throughout the Union and ensure a high level of protection of human health in all Union policies and activities, following the One Health approach.


European Hub for vaccine development. Scope: Create a European Hub for public health-relevant vaccine development, combining excellence in vaccine development with clinical trials and activities for scaling manufacturing. This call targets consortia of developers of vaccines covering expertise in development including publicly funded and industrial organisations. The Hub will develop a strategic vaccines plan for Europe, creating vaccine prototypes for priority pathogens with epidemic and pandemic potential, further developing state-of-the-art technologies that can be rapidly adapted, preparing relevant master clinical trial protocols, combining its activities to reach out to clinical trial capacities/networks and at scale production initiatives at national and European levels. Total budget: 102 million euro. Funded projects: 1.

Next-generation respiratory protection. Scope: Develop completely new technologies or rely on reformulated designs and novel applications of existing materials and technologies. Applicants need to propose a detailed plan to design, prototype, validate, and CE-mark innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable next-generation respirators. Different solutions may target different populations (e.g., clinicians, critical workers, the public, etc.). Proposals should include a market readiness plan that ensures a market for the product in preparedness times. Total budget: 20 million euro. Indicative project budget: 5 million euro. Funded projects: 4.

Support innovative manufacturing technologies and processes in the Union for medicines production. Scope: Develop support for or innovations targeting manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, their intermediates and/or excipients, namely by developing: a) novel manufacturing processes and technologies, e.g., additive manufacturing, continuous manufacturing and flow chemistry, and biomanufacturing technologies; combined or not with activities covering: b) novel industrial manufacturing and facility designs, e.g., modular manufacturing, smart manufacturing execution systems, including automation and robotics, advanced analytics, smart sensors, among other. Total budget: 17 million euro. Indicative project budget: 5.6 million euro. Funded projects: 3.

Support the development of novel antivirals. Scope: Support the development and further characterisation of broad-spectrum antivirals (BSA) targeting identified HERA priority viral families, which can be divided among respiratory RNA viral families, such as Paramyxo-, Orthomyxo and Coronaviridae, as well as those targeting viral families known for causing viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF), such as Arena-, Bunya-, Flavi-, Filoviridae. The action aims to identify a potent BSA candidate to advance its clinical development. A robust pipeline should contain multiple BSA candidates for each viral family that are developed in parallel. Total budget: 10 million euro. Funded projects: 1.


The grant will cover a maximum of 60% of the project costs. A higher project funding rate (maximum 80%) can be asked if the project is of exceptional utility. Actions with a clear Union added value shall be considered to have exceptional utility where:
(a) at least 30 % of the budget of the proposed action is allocated to Member States whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90 % of the Union average; or
(b) bodies from at least 14 participating Member States participate in the action, of which at least four are Member States whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90 % of the Union average.


Proposals must be submitted by either a single applicant or a consortium of at least 3 applicants, depending on the topic.


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