CERV-2022-DAPHNE_Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children.

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

The aim of this Daphne call is to fund national or transnational projects in the field of prevention and fight of violence against children, young people and women.

Project proposals must address one of the following priorities:

Priority 1. Large-scale and long-term transnational actions to tackle gender- based violence. In line with the Gender Equality Strategy, this priority aims to support the development of largescale, integrated actions to combat gender-based violence, and achieve long-term and structural changes with a wide geographical coverage. The objective is to achieve a balanced coverage of actions across different areas of intervention in line with the priorities of the Gender Equality Strategy. Projects must focus on one of these areas: domestic violence, harmful practices, genderbased cyber violence, violence and harassment in the world of work, and gender stereotypes. Indicative funding available: 12 million euro. Grant: between 1 and 2 million euro.

Priority 2. Combating and preventing violence linked to harmful practices. This entails combating, raising awareness and preventing violence linked to harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, forced or early-age marriage or forced sexual relationships, so-called 'honour crimes' committed against women, young people and children. It includes the strengthening of public services, prevention and support measures, capacity building of professionals and victimcentred access to justice. Actions should focus on changing attitudes in impacted communities, including through dialogue, mutual learning and exchange of good practice. Indicative funding 2 available: 6 million euro. Grant: between 75.000 and 1 million euro.

Priority 3. Primary prevention of gender-based violence. The focus of this priority is on primary prevention, in particular changing social norms and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence. This includes specific and practical awareness-raising, education and training activities to tackle prejudices and gender stereotypes and norms that encourage, condone or minimise violence, as well as to provide women and men, girls and boys, with the tools to call out and stand up to violence through empowerment and bystander intervention programmes. Indicative funding available: 7 million euro. Grant: between 75.000 and 1 million euro.

Priority 4. Supporting and improving national data collection on violence against children. This priority aims to foster efforts towards more sustainable, comprehensive data collection (including disaggregation by sex) at local and/or national level. Activities funded under this priority should contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of violence, and to more robust data collection mechanisms. They should also bring about systemic changes that will translate knowledge about the scope of violence against children and national/local level into action (better prevention, protection and support to victims). The projects should take into account different situations and backgrounds of children as well as should pay attention to the specific needs and circumstances of girls and boys, in all their diversity. Indicative funding available: 3 million euro. Grant: no lower than 75.000.

Priority 5. Strengthening responses that prevent and support child victims of violence by reinforcing child protection systems at national and local level. An effective response to violence (in all its forms and impacting different groups of children) is only possible when it is well coordinated among all relevant stakeholders. Too often, services work in silos, with little referral between relevant services, or lack of follow-up to cases in the long term. Prevention activities are separated from protection and support to victims. The objective of this priority is to contribute to systemic changes at national level, and ultimately create integrated child protection systems, for a more effective prevention and protection of victims. The objective is to fund projects that will strengthen, expand, improve the quality of, or add new services to existing mechanisms. Indicative funding available: 2,5 million euro. Grant: no lower than 75.000.

Activities shall include:

  • Awareness-raising and empowerment activities;
  • Capacity-building and training for professionals;
  • Design, development and implementation of protocols, development of working methods and tools, coordination platform and groups;
  • Design of services and measures improving access to victim support services;
  • Exchange of good practices, mutual learning;  
  • Mapping the systems of data collection (priority 4);
  • Creation and implementation of data collection strategies and systems, including of case management systems (priority 4);
  • Evaluation of trends of the phenomenon of violence, and data collection and analysis of the impact of prevention policies and responses (priority 4);
  • Targeted communication/promotion activities that will aim at coordinating responses to violence against children (priority 5);
  • Capacity-building and training for professionals, with specific groups of professionals working directly with children (e.g. health professionals, teachers) (priority 5);

Eligible applicants

Public bodies or private organisations, duly established in one of the countries participating in the programme, or international organisations. Organisations that are profit-oriented may only submit applications in partnership with public bodies or private non-profit organisations.

Partnership criteria

Projects can be either national or transnational and must involve at least two organisations. It is strongly encouraged to involve a public authority, including regional and local authorities, to be actively involved in the projects.


If you are interested in this call or want more information, please contact frecerca.internacional(ELIMINAR)@sjd.es