EJP-RD_Research Training Workshop

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

Aim of the call

The aim of this call is to identify the most suitable topics for the organization of research training workshops targeted to the ERNs. Selected research training workshops will have to train ERN researchers and clinicians in ERN relevant innovative training themes. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research methodologies, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Moreover, workshops will be aiming to provide a cross-ERN added value. The successful applicant will receive the financial support to organize a 2 days workshop. The successful applicant will be supported by the WP17 coordination team (see contact details in part 8 of this document), specifically the call for workshop participants will be managed by the WP17 coordination team. The organization on–site will be responsibility of the selected organizer. There should be no overlap of the workshops with other EJP RD training activities foreseen (for overview on this please visit: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/index.php/training-and-empowerment/).

The workshops will be open to ERNs only. The costs of the organization may cover the following items:

• Meeting room(s)

• Catering (coffee breaks, lunch)

• Travel and accommodation of speakers

• Travel and accommodation of participants

EJP RD has established general guidelines for the costs of the organization of events that are provided in Annex 1. The applicants are strongly encouraged to apply these guidelines to the extent possible while planning the organization of their workshop(s).


The applicant submitting workshop topics must be:

• Affiliated to any EJP RD beneficiary institution (for the list of the EJP RD beneficiary organization please see the link: http://www.ejprarediseases.org/index.php/about/members/#1551866330856- bccc35fe-1374


• Affiliated to an ERN full member. The list of full ERN members per country and per network can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/health/ern_en


• Affiliated to an ERN Affiliated2 Partner institution at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the period of the execution of the workshop.

Funding model

6-7 workshops will be financed per year between 2020 and 2023 (thus a total of 24 to 28 workshops are expected to be funded).

The maximum budget assigned to a workshop is 25.000€. This should cover: • Venue hire, administrative costs, audio-visual and IT facilities essential for the workshop • Travel and accommodation expenses for 20 participants (maximum 650€ per participant) • Travel and accommodation expenses for invited speakers (maximum 650€ per speaker) All expenses will be paid by one of the two WP17 coordination sites (LUMC-Leiden or EKUT-Tübingen). Only actual costs occurred for the workshop organization will be eligible.

For further information please see attached documents.

In case of interest, please contac lnorton@fsjd.org


The applications must be submitted using the online application form (https://sondage.inserm.fr/index.php/512337/lang-en). Applications must be written in English and respect the format and the length indicated in the application form. Applications exceeding these limitations will be rejected without further review. Applicants must provide personal information and submit appropriate information about the topic and the workshop itself.