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  • Pascual-Alonso A, Xiol-Viñas C, Smirnov D, Kopajtich R, Prokisch H and Armstrong-Moron J.

    Multi-omics in MECP2 duplication syndrome patients and carriers.



  • Barbera, Anna Revert, Martorell, Loreto, Boix Lluch C, Armstrong-Moron J, Carrera, Laura, Nascimento-Osorio A and Ortigoza-Escobar JD.

    Clinical Response of Levodopa in CTNNB1 -Related Dystonia

    Journal of Pediatric Neurology . : .


  • Revencu N, Eijkelenboom A, Bracquemart C, Alhopuro P, Armstrong-Moron J, Baselga E, Cesario C, Dentici ML, Eyries M, Frisk S, Karstensen HG, Gene-Olaciregui N, Kivirikko S, Lavarino C, Mero IL, Michiels R, Pisaneschi E, Schönewolf-Greulich B, Wieland I, Zenker M and Vikkula M.

    Assessment of gene-disease associations and recommendations for genetic testing for somatic variants in vascular anomalies by VASCERN-VASCA



  • Illescas S, Diaz-Osorio Y, Serradell A, Toro-Soria L, Musokhranova U, Julià-Palacios NA, Ribeiro J, Altafaj X, Olivella M, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Darling A, Armstrong-Moron J, Artuch-Iriberri R, Garcia-Cazorla A and De Oyarzabal-Sanz AL.

    Metabolic characterization of neurogenetic disorders involving glutamatergic neurotransmission

    JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE . 47(3): 551-569. Nº de cites: 1


  • Brooks D, Burke E, Lee S, Eble TN, O'Leary M, Osei-Owusu I, Rehm HL, Dhar SU, Emrick L, Bick D, Nehrebecky M, Macnamara E, Casas-Alba D, Armstrong-Moron J, Prat-Torres CS, Martinez-Monseny T, Palau F, Liu P, Adams D, Lalani S, Rosenfeld JA and Burrage LC.

    Heterozygous AP3K20 variants cause ectodermal dysplasia, craniosynostosis, sensorineural hearing loss, and limb anomalies

    HUMAN GENETICS . 143(3): 279-291.


  • Pascual-Alonso A, Xiol-Viñas C, Smirnov D, Kopajtich R, Prokisch H and Armstrong-Moron J.

    Identification of molecular signatures and pathways involved in Rett syndrome using a multi-omics approach.

    HUMAN GENOMICS . 17(1): 85-85. Nº de cites: 4


  • Domínguez-Carral J, Ludlam WG, Junyent Segarra M, Fornaguera Marti M, Balsells S, Muchart-Lopez J, Cokolic Petrovic D, Espinoza I, Ortigoza-Escobar JD and Martemyanov KA.

    Severity of NAO1-Related Disorder Correlates with Changes in G-Protein Function

    ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 94(5): 987-1004. Nº de cites: 7


  • Casas-Alba D, Aguilar A, Alonso I, García MT, Cilio MR and Fons-Estupina C.

    Relationship Between Epileptic Activity and Developmental Outcome in KCNQ2-Related Epilepsy

    PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 144: 11-15.


  • Amato, ME, Ricart S, Vicente-Villa MA, Martorell-Sampol L, Armstrong-Moron J, Fernandez-Isern G, Mascaro, JM, Balsells S, Alonso, I, Serrano M and Ortigoza-Escobar JD.

    Coexistence of junctional epidermolysis bullosa, autosomal recessive deafness type 57, and Angelman syndrome: A case report

    clinical case reports . 11(4): . Nº de cites: 1


  • Pascual-Alonso A, Xiol-Viñas C, Smirnov D, Kopajtich R, Prokisch H and Armstrong-Moron J.

    Identification of molecular signatures and pathways involved in Rett syndrome using a multi-omics approach

