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  • Navarro MD, Gutierrez M, Bosque A, Tarbal-Roquer A, Cañal P and Gomez-Fernandez E.

    The role of nurses in patient's empowerment. The case of a children's hospital

    Journal of Nursing Studies and Patient Care . 2(1): 1-7.

  • Guerrero Márquez G, Martínez Serrano A, Gutierrez M, García Lozano A, Mayordomo Casado B, Torrijos Rodríguez MI, Verges Pernía C, Fernández Morales E, Sánchez P, Medina Durán A and Míguez Navarro MC.

    Effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve nurses' knowledge on pediatric nasogastric intubation.

    ARCHIVOS ARGENTINOS DE PEDIATRIA . 116(6): 402-408. Nº de cites: 4
